"and programming in general, is a meritocracy."
I absolutely believe you when you say you have never, knowingly, discriminated against anyone on SO "based on their age, skin colour, gender, accent, or whatever".
The problem is your belief that (a) programming is actually a meritocracy in some pure and perfect sense and (b) so-called "merit" is a perfect blind evaluator that doesn't just serve as an excuse to engage in what often ends up being behavior with heavy bias correlation outcomes.
People like to complain that the diversity problem in tech is a "pipeline issue" and therefore not their problem. Well here is the problem: when you have a pipeline fractured by systemic social issues and discrimination, it means that you are going to see people rising to certain levels with less exposure to certain forms of investigation, and therefor certain groupings will receive disparate impacts of behavior that has been systematized to favor certain other, principally in-group behavior.
You don't have to want to engage in bias behavior to still be effectively causing disparate outcomes along bias lines.
It would be easy to lay the blame on the situation regarding SO on "people like you", the true believers in "the meritocracy" as a blind, non discriminatory arbiter of who rises to the top, as if skill wins everything when skill is largely cut off by a combination of various bias encounters and unbiased behavior that largely aligns with particular groups—with excuses lain at the feet of the pillars of merit—along the way.
Ultimately, the real problem with the altar of merit is that it is all about one thing: claiming that certain people got where they are by being somehow intrinsically better, so as to deserve it. This belief is then used to spurn everyone who does not happen to master the secret merit handshake.
But this shouldn't be about where certain problems are stemming from. This should be about solutions.
If Stack Overflow has a problem, it's because Stack Overflow incentivizes certain patterns of behavior, while leaving no space for others
Stack Overflow treats only certain types of learning as valid. If you don't read this and you ask a "bad question", you are punished. By your post, you even claim that people who ask these "bad questions" deserve to be punished because they aren't high enough in the "meritocracy" to be worth a response.
In this sense, while I want to re-iterate you are not the problem, your post does do a good job of showing off some of the hostility and patterns of behavior which underlie the problems: this concept that some people don't deserve to be treated like people, with the excuse being how they ask or answer questions, or other ritualistic behavior that they are expected to either already be familiar with or will want to spend the time to learn just to have a "merited" place on this site.
And I think a lot of that comes down to an issue that the site is set up to point all things in that general direction.
Different people learn in different ways. Different questions and answers expose different things, depending on both their wording and whether or not they deal with the same either core topics or nuanced aspects. Programming and Software Engineering are tough, often unforgiving, and sometimes what someone experienced sees as obvious is anything but that to someone who is struggling to learn basic concepts.
We should always be striving for everyone, regardless of who they are, to feel like they have friends in this struggle, that they have a place in this struggle if they want it, and they aren't going to be turned away simply because they didn't know the right secret handshake.
"all in the name of keeping the site's quality up"
Here, I think, is the fundamental issue that I personally believe you have missed: Jay's post is just as easily about the quality of the site as yours.
The question is a matter of perspective, and also defining objectives: what makes Stack Overflow a quality site. As someone who almost never needs to ask questions, because she can pull together an answer faster on her own than trying to explain what she needs to ask when hitting a wall, I know what qualities make Stack Overflow valuable to me. But I'm not everyone.
Pretty much none of my coworkers participate on Stack Overflow except to mine it for solutions. Particularly the junior developers are afraid of asking anything at all. And that's a loss. Because in the nuance of the questions they would have asked, from the directions they were approaching problems, there would have been something helpful for other junior developers.
Quality is a matter decided by perspective and related subjectivity
Stack Overflow tries to wrap questions and answers up into certain formulaic points of what will make them a good question or answer "in general". And in many regards, that's fantastic. But it also falls down a hole of ascribing a certain sense of this being a perfectly objective measure of quality, which is how we arrive at posts talking about quality and merit as gatekeepers.
The real issue, to me, is that if you fall outside certain lines in asking or answering a question, there is quickly the impression given that there is little room for you on Stack Overflow, that you are to be knocked down and away as harshly as possible simply for what quickly can feel like it was simply for daring to open your mouth at all. You didn't RTFM hard enough, and you didn't Google it good enough. And in the end the message is that: it's you, so just shut up, give up, and walk away.
And that's a pity. Because rather than slowly teaching people to do better, there's a definite degree of telling everyone who doesn't immediately jump off the deep end with a perfect barely-rippling-the-water dive that they don't belong. So people stop taking the plunge unless they're already at a certain level of their game, and in turn people who aren't at that level are faced with questions and answers that they don't understand how to translate into applying to their own problems.
What's quality for me is not necessarily quality for my teammates
There are plenty of times where I've sat down with someone with a Stack Overflow page open and worked through how to suss out the information they needed from what was there in terms of what's in front of them and not working correctly right now. Everyone here likes to claim "it's obvious" and therefor "that's a quality question/answer". Well, the problem is that no matter how many Manuals you can tell someone they "didn't fucking read", at the end of the day if it's not obvious to them, it wasn't "quality" for them.
So how can one engineer a Q&A site that doesn't become a horrific mess of hidden needles for you in a ton of everyone else's hay
To me, the problem that Stack Overflow really faces is one of community and behavior, and how certain forms of behavior the site incentivizes through various structuring is resulting in outcomes that fall along bias lines.
This doesn't require bias to be at the forefront of that behavior to still be a fundamental truth at the macro level.
So how do you engineer something better? I think you have to start by creating more space that can self organize around different needs, while providing streamlined access for those arriving there with to different approaches to related information, and then contextualizing it all together.
I think you also have to look at the related gamification, and providing incentives for creating that quality information contextualization, because even if it's not the same type of work, it definitely ends up being work.
And I think you have to provide incentives for simply being kind about opening doors for people rather than shutting them, where simply throwing more answers into the equation might not be the outcome desired, but rather finding ways to gamify other interactions that lead to making those answers intelligible in the context of a different approach or different nuanced question, and in turn still recording that result when it's the desired outcome
So you don't want to feel demonized for pursuing what you feel is excellence
That's great. People shouldn't be demonized for trying, in the many forms thereof. Personally I don't think the blog post in question, fumbling as it may have been in points, was intent on demonizing anyone.
But I'll admit it was possible to read a lot of things into it. If that's how it impacted and felt to you, then there you go: those are your feelings. I'm sorry that post impacted you like that.
At the same time, I think denying that the specific system of how Q&A is implemented and "judged" on Stack Overflow doesn't create an structure which leads to the outcome showing the demographics seen would be an exact opposite of the objective behavior supposedly enshrined in "meritocracy".
And I think that if you feel demonized due to the outcomes being called out, you need to take a long hard look at yourself, and maybe develop a little empathy for the other people who are on the receiving end of certain behavior and interactions related to the underlying structures of Stack Overflow and the particular form of community/"community" that is grown around them.
There is a lot of behavior encoded in certain aspects of Stack Overflow that are meant to help people find good answers, but when removed from a broader view is easy to internalize as basically being shot down without any actually constructive feedback, but at most, often, just derision.
I think a lot of people come to Stack Overflow, make what to them was a well meaning attempt, and leave feeling demonized. They're looked down upon in so many ways, with their intent read in to, judged, and summarily dismissed as, among other things, "not quality". And often, it's made to feel either personal, as if they aren't good enough, or so dismissively impersonal and disconnected as to be degrading. Somewhere between these two points there has to be room for some empathy and mutual sympathy.
No one merits being derided for trying
No one merits being derided for caring
You don't like feeling "demonized" "for caring about quality," but in effect you're also making the claim that there's a polarizing line here set by those who care about quality and are on the right side of "merit" and those who don't and thus aren't.
I personally don't see anyone being demonized for caring about quality. What I do see are questions about whether the systematized influences at work are, under a guise of upholding certain forms of quality, creating an environment that drives away people, and in doing so is perhaps impacting some groups of people more so than others.
It's not about "identity" politics. If anything, this identification (which easily comes across as snide, and yet I'm sure it was meant entirely with all the best intentions) with "merit" and "quality" seems to be more on that side to me than anything else. It's about a reality of a disparate outcome being created and a question of what is leading to it and how to help overcome it.
There's a lot of concern over "diversity" as if it's somehow the opposite of "meritocracy", and to me that says a lot about that particular vision of merit. Instead what I see is a concern about making a site better, but for everyone. It's not about putting down the few who are already in and doing well with how it currently works, but making room for more and an overall improvement in the process. This doesn't need to be a zero-sum game, and it's interesting but saddening to me that some people are latching on to it in this way, and immediately placing it in that framing.
A lack of diversity isn't a call for initiatives to "fix diversity" as if that means forcing an outcome with equalized representation, but rather points to something being broken if the goal is to provide a quality experience for everyone rather than just certain people who find they arrived early enough or fit in just right.
As I see it, there is a core answer that needs to be formed, and that's what the actual end goal of the site is. If it's merely meant to be another Q&A site with a "crowd sourced" aspect, then it's there, because it's certainly able to meet such a standard in this incarnation. If it's meant to be more, for instance if there's meant to be a more pedagogical side that's intent on generally lifting people up while still providing an easy road to relevant answers both for searchers and "askers"... then I think it needs more work. Which isn't a bad thing.
And it doesn't preclude quality.