There is this common problem that we face when answering new users' questions: they don't upvote/accept answers, even if they comment on them that "it worked". (Which is why this was raised as a "problem" for several times now on meta: some examples: #1, #2, #3, and perhaps some more).
What I would like to address here is the lack of rewarding for the user who put efforts into giving the proper answer.
My suggestion to do so is to create an algorithm like:
- Non experienced user1 asked question
- Non experienced user received answer
- Non experienced user commented some key words like (worked, thanks, awesome, etc.)
- Non experienced user doesn't act in any other way on the question for 24 hours (I mean upvote, downvote or accept)
- Answer has 0 score (no more, no less)
If these conditions are met, then I propose one for these two options:
- Either Community ♦ robot upvotes automatically;
- Or we implement a SObot who posts in the SOBotics chat that the answer might be worthy of an upvote. In this case I think a moderator can both upvote and leave the usual: "accept the answer" comment for the OP.
1 We can define Non experienced user and refine the definition over time (or perhaps this was established already) but for a lack of such a definition I suggest to start with:
- A new account (no more than 24 hours),
- or is a user who just posted their first question (and didn't post any answers),
- or is a user who had lots of questions but the upvote/accept rate is very small, to 0, indicating he/she doesn't know that this should be done.