I have come across a few (mostly older) questions that have highly-upvoted, accepted answers that are objectively wrong.
I suppose the theory is that downvotes of the accepted answer plus upvotes of a correct answer will allow the cream to rise to the top. That seems not to happen, particularly with older answers (probably because answers attracted many more votes in the early days).
With the older answers, the chances are less that the OP or author of the accepted answer are still active members.
Can or should anything be done to increase visibility of the correct answer and/or decrease visibility of the incorrect, accepted answer beyond up/down voting?
I first noticed this particular question around 6 months ago. I came across it again today, and the dominance of the objectively wrong answer had not changed. I did up/down vote as appropriate, and upvoted a spot-on comment about the answers.
The difference in average vote quantities past and present has emerged as a factor in the discussion of this question. That reminded me of one of my answers.
In this case, the accepted answer was probably right at the time the question was asked. My answer came much later and is right in the present (the old answer is no longer optimal).
The original accepted answer with 87 net upvotes is from 2008. My answer is 6 months old, and has 20 upvotes, or about 25% as many as the accepted answer. Time is working... my answer garners a steady stream of upvotes, and should be on par with the accepted answer (though below a different, older answer) in 18 months at the current rate.
This is possibly a question that would benefit from my suggestion to highlight questions where one or more new answers are gaining upvotes significantly faster than an older, accepted answer https://meta.stackoverflow.com/a/265728/141172
And this actually does work, don't distrust time so much.
-> I think we live in different time dimensions then. More often than not, it is nearly impossible to get bad answers out of their highly upvotes state. I cannot even get more than 1-2 downvotes usually for a clearly link-only, but very old and hence upvoted answer, let alone bad posts.