I'm extraordinarily concerned with this suggestion.
If I had a dime for every time I posted a solution that actually solves the problem and eliminates the actual problem asked about only to get a comment that looks something like this:
Okay, that works now, but this piece of code 5 lines later that wasn't even in the original question is broken with [error description]. How do I fix that?
... if I had a dime every time I heard that, I wouldn't even have a job any more. I'd just answer questions posted by people with less than 1,000 reputation for a living.
This suggestion essentially encourages "chameleon" questions and "your code is in another castle" questions. New users wouldn't mark an answer as accepted until their app is ready to ship for release.
Expanding on this, there are other problems too.
First of all, the bubble won't even always make sense. Sometimes the question isn't even about how to fix up code. Sometimes the question is a "why" question. Consider the most upvoted question on Stack Overflow, how would the "make sure it works before accepting" bubble work with this question and its answers?
Moreover, how about the inevitable and common case where the user does a zero-effort paste of their broken code, and the astute answerer, wishing to post an answer as non-specific to the original question as possible, while still answering the actual question? The answerer won't necessarily use the same variable names or method names or anything like this. Or the answerer explains how to do part of the problem in plain-English (perhaps something set up in an interface builder or visual designer), and explains the other part with code. The answerer only copies & pastes the code, now complains the compiler is complaining about variable names and such. This sort of thing actually happens fairly regularly.
And finally, there's a set of questions which Martin James' comment points out. These questions don't provide enough detail to actually answer at the level of taking the question from not working to working. But the question is clear enough what the problem is, and any answer can be quite clear on what the problem is an how to solve it as a general rule. And actually, are these sorts of answers better? Aren't the answers that teach the programmer how to debug better than the ones that just debug for him?
Give a programmer a bug fix, he'll return tomorrow asking for another bug fix. Teach a programmer to debug, and it'll be at least a week before he's back asking for more help.
And finally, as I've pointed out before, the accepted answer doesn't really matter that much. Any question that continues to be useful to anyone besides the original person who posted the question will eventually have its answers voted to correct levels.