Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x
Awarded for: How can I check if multiplying two numbers in Java will cause an overflow?
Recently I was awarded the populist badge for my +31 answer outscoring the +11 accepted answer. I swelled with pride with the thought of adding another golden trophy to my mantle.
But my joy was shortlived, for clicking the badge revealed a bitter truth. This is no triumph of populism over privilege. No thumb at the nose of foolishly awarded checkmark. Nay, it is the reverse. An answer I wrote many years ago, once a proud champion, has been stripped of its title by a newer, better answer. The underdog has triumphed. The scrappy upstart has won. David has slain Goliath.
Yet, Goliath was awarded the gold badge. For losing. What cruel mockery is this?
The badge was correctly awarded according to its list of criteria, but I didn't deserve a badge for this. The badge criteria should be refined somehow. Maybe by comparing the ages of the answers? I'm not sure exactly.
If anything, @bcoughlan should have been awarded something for dethroning an old answer.