How do you do, fellow Stackers?
If there’s anything that Stack Overflow is known for, it’s being hip to the latest trends in every field. Gaming? We created StackEgg. Security? We invented Dance Dance Authentication. Self-guided problem solving? Quack Overflow was there for you. Programming? The Key is all you need.
“But all that’s in the past,” you say, “That’s, like, a century ago in Internet years.” Don’t worry – we’re never gonna give you up or let you down as influencers. (Wait for it...)
Today, we’re excited to announce our totally sweet new endeavor: Filters for Stack Overflow. (You know that’s right.)
We’ve got a variety of stylin’ designs for you to choose from, ranging from some classic looks all the way to the next dimension. When you see our Terminal filter, we know you’ll say "...I’m in." If you’re looking at classified information on Stack Overflow, make sure you’re using the Top Secret design so others know how confidential it is. And if you’re a fan of delicious flavor, feed your craving with our Hot Dog Stand theme. Other apps might have filters that make you look old – but we have filters that make you feel old.
I know what you’re thinking now: “Word?! Where can I check out this epic new feature?” Just go to Stack Overflow and peep the new Filters bar at the bottom of the screen – and let all our different designs rock your world. (If you want to yeet our new Filters out of your sight, you can do that, too; our regular theme is the GOAT.) Stack it your way, and feel free to show off your Filters in an answer below!
Hey, other social media sites? You just lost the game.