Thanks everyone for your feedback on this post. As expected, there is a lot of passion around how we spend our resources improving Q&A. There is an undeniable desire to see DAG focus on improvements on the question quality theme. As such, we will be coming back to the community with proposed improvements around this theme and will continue to gathering feedback as we plan, code and ship.
The good news for everyone is that this isn’t a zero sum game. So while question quality is getting special, focused attention, we will still consider improvements across the other themes as well.
Check out the TeamDAG project update post on meta.SE to see what we are currently working on.
You've already been introduced to the Developer Affinity & Growth team (DAG, yeah go ahead Aussies and make your jokes, but the name really is a humble nod to this line from Hamilton). The obvious question is, "What the heck is this new team going to do?"
As we’ve reviewed meta feedback we have heard two things loud and clear:
- Stuff that’s important to the community is not getting done
- And, we aren't engaging you early enough on the work we are doing
This post is our start at addressing these issues.
We are working hard developing a deep understanding of how everyone from brand new members to our most experienced SO users use Q&A. There are a LOT of suggestions (some big, many small) on how to improve the site. Over 300 feature-request posts with +20 or more upvotes have been posted to meta in the last year. And from these insights we are creating a backlog of work that the team is excited about tackling.
But let's be honest, not everyone agrees on where to invest our limited resources. That's where you come in. The purpose of this post is to provide a peek into our backlog so that you all can help collectively prioritize our work.
Based on the analysis of meta posts we have bucketed work into "themes”. Below I’ve briefly described the themes with a user story and a list of example investments with related meta posts. Many of you will be familiar with how this goes from your own jobs. The team isn't promising or committing to specific features at this time, but trying to give you a sense of where the investment could lead.
Obviously there are a LOT of other areas where we could invest. We're happy to hear about those as well, but the primary purpose of this post is to ask you to help us prioritize the investment themes below.
So, what do we want from you?
- Review the themes below
- If so inclined, write an answer that articulates why we should prioritize one of them over the others
- Vote for the answers that represent your thinking.
We would like your feedback by August 9th so that we can start building features around one of these themes.
So, without further ado…
Question quality theme
User story: As a first time question asker, I know what is expected of me and can successfully ask a question with a high likelihood of getting a positive response from the community so that I can solve my problem and feel good about my participation in SO.
Possible investments:
- More structured guidance for first time askers (2, 3, 4)
- Improved duplicate question discovery/prominence (2)
- Better/more prominent inline help
- Mentorship experiment
Experienced user workflows theme
User story: As an SO user, I can find the feature, tool, or content that I need when I need it and SO lets me know when something needs attention within the community so that I can effectively use SO and participate in the community.
Possible investments:
- Address the review icon (top nav) problem
- Question tabs/sub navigation (AKA whatever happened to New Nav?, 2)
- Other targeted navigation improvements (1, 2 of many posts)
SO works for me theme
User story: As an SO user, the information that is important to me comes to me when and where I want it so that I can proactively engage and participate in the community.
Possible investments:
- Improved notifications for email and on-site (again, many posts)
- Responsive design
- Improved favoriting
- Personalized feed based on my favorites
Note: One theme that we identified and removed from consideration is search. However, we definitely have to work on this in the context of Channels.
What comes after voting is done? Soon after the voting is done we will communicate how your input is impacting our plans and will begin feature level conversations to help define the specific features we will build. And then, most importantly, we will build stuff.
May the best theme win get worked on first.