Update February 2017:
It has gotten A LOT worse. I keep some canned comments in a post-it on my desktop, and the last few days I've been able to leave one in my clipboard and paste it continuously:
Sorry, this is not the way StackOverflow works. Questions of the form "I want to do X, please give me tips and/or sample code" are considered off-topic. Please visit the [help] and read [ask], and especially read Why is “Can someone help me?” not an actual question?
That, plus another
Sorry, this is not how StackOverflow works. Questions of the form "Here's a bunch of my code, please debug it for me" are considered off-topic. Please visit the [help] and read [ask] for more information.
get used on over ¾ of new posts in the [java] tag. Needless to say I exhaust my daily votes in less than an hour.
As others have noted, it is the total lack of automated filters on posting that is responsible for this. Even a simple form for low rep users, à la basic Bugzilla with boxes for "Your Code", "What should it do", "What actually happens", etc would go a long way towards stemming the tide.
But I strongly suspect SE's business model depends on raw eyeball impressions, and anything that makes it harder to post interferes with that.
Somewhere along the line the original ideal of being a repository of high-quality questions/answers, as a reference base for the future, has gone by the wayside.
In 7½ years I have answered about 90x as many questions as I have asked (1919 to 21 so far). I ask questions so rarely because I almost never encounter problems that I cannot resolve with a simple Google search or careful RTFM. Very often Google leads me to an answer on SO. I never search SO directly because Google does such a superior job compared to SO's search capability.
As to answering, I have a "session" about once a day of 45-90 minutes and I set up a filter for the tags I'm interested in. Initially I'll scan the filtered list for interesting looking questions regardless of whether or not they already have answers, and contribute where I can. After the initial scan I wait for new questions to come in.
In a session most of my time is spent:
- Asking for clarification in a comment
- Dup-hammering to What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? (my focus is Java)
- Asking first-time posters to visit the Help Center and read How To Ask, and explaining why their question is off-topic
I consider myself lucky if I find ONE question worth answering per session, and I usually don't bother with trivial answers where I'd be competing for FGITW, unless the question hasn't gotten any answers and is over 10-20 minutes old.
I only recently learned to adjust my attitude and not take personally the declining S/N ratio. Whereas before I felt duty-bound to respond to "give me teh codez" and similarly bad posts with a message (see item 3 above). I now accept that those posts will always be a part of SO. I ignore them if I can tell from the title, and otherwise I just downvote, VTC and move on, spending as little time on them as possible. Life's too short.
One thing I'd really like for SO to implement is a better heuristic for duplicate detection. As a result of SO's success, I'd guess over half of the non-noise questions are now duplicates (my own gut feel, not backed up by anything), but finding the canonical answer is not easy. A curated list of canonical Q/A for very common questions would be extremely helpful, but I doubt it will happen.
This will make me sound like an old fogey, but having been a developer since the mid '70s it's amazing how each generation reliably repeats the mistakes of the previous one. I think SO has the potential to mitigate that by providing long-term memory of problems and their solutions. However it cannot do anything about the hubris of youth, and the culture that values youth and enthusiasm over expertise and wisdom. But then, this was an issue in Aristotle's day as well, so there's nothing new ...
So, after re-reading my post and rant, and the comments and other answers I feel compelled to offer this...
While it is true that youth and inexperience lead to repeating the prior generations' mistakes, it is also true that some of the most important breakthroughs were made by people who "didn't know any better", or tackled an old problem in a new way exactly because they weren't blinkered by the obviously "right" solution. In other words, some amount of making the same mistakes repeatedly is part of each generations' learning process. It wold be nice to find the optimal point, but I suspect we'll just continue muddling onwards, repeating mistakes, and occasionally those "mistakes" will lead to novel solutions.