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Unanswered Questions

605 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
39 votes
0 answers

A [rad] burnination proposal

As the rad tag wiki says: "Please don't use this tag, it is ambiguous." Related: Clarify [rad] tag. I don't think it should be clarified but burninated, however, since the tag doesn't really ...
9 votes
0 answers

Tag wiki for [testflight] needs a cleanup by someone familiar with it

While reviewing this suggested edit I noticed the TestFlight wiki is in a bit of a confusing state. It presently refers to TestFlight in the past tense ("TestFlight was a developer tool...") ...
-10 votes
0 answers

Description of path tag is biased toward filesystem

When asking a question about a path in PostScript, I browsed the tags: There is a path tag, but the description talks about filesystems, so I wondered whether that tag should be renamed to pathname or ...
2 votes
0 answers

How to know what a tag should mean: branching-strategy

For this specific case branching-strategy the tag-wiki is (currently) empty and there was a request to update this tag, to mean version-control branching strategy. That makes sense to me and many use ...
18 votes
0 answers

Remove synonym [yarn] -> [hadoop-yarn]

There are two major software products that use "yarn" in their names: Hadoop YARN (hadoop-yarn) - Hadoop is a distributed computing platform and YARN is a resource manager and scheduler for ...
17 votes
1 answer

Do we really need [imaging]? It is not programming!

I just ran into a tag imaging that shouldn't exist in my opinion. The tag wiki says: Anything related to digital imaging, i.e. the theory, the technology and the techniques about acquiring, ...
8 votes
0 answers

Tag info text misleading: "All registered users may propose new tag wikis", yet no button shown to propose

When going to a tag's info page, I get shown an orange info box that states: There is no tag wiki for this tag … yet! Tag wikis help introduce newcomers to the tag. They contain an overview of the ...
5 votes
0 answers

What is the scope of the "keydown" and "onkeydown" tags? Web? Any platform?

The name of the keydown and onkeydown tags sounds very much like a direct reference to web APIs, namely keydown from DOM UI Events and onkeydown from HTML (both attribute and property). However, the ...
33 votes
1 answer

Should we burninate [class-names]?

The tag class-names has 79 questions in it, has no wiki or wiki excerpt, and is used for questions where the questions refer to different things. Running through the burnination criteria: Does it ...
23 votes
0 answers

Disambiguate [jai] (Java Advanced Imaging API) from the Jai programming language

Proposal Rename jai to advanced-imaging-api or java-advanced-imaging-api Introduce jai-lang or jai Details I've been part of the Jai programming language closed beta for a while now and I thought ...
5 votes
0 answers

What should we do with the [stream] tag?

I just came across the stream tag, which has 15k questions, and whose excerpt reads: DO NOT USE FOR THE JAVA STREAM API INTRODUCED IN JAVA 8 (use [java-stream] for those questions!) A stream is a ...
6 votes
0 answers

Rename [argo] to [swift-argo]

Almost all questions tagged with argo are actually about argocd in violation of argo's tag wiki stating: Apply to questions regarding thoughtbot's Swift JSON parser, Argo. For questions about the ...
15 votes
0 answers

Disambiguating the [dbconnection] tag

As part of the connect burnination, I came across dbconnection, which looks like it could use a disambiguation followed by merge/removal: No tag wiki guidance Currently 235 questions Has 46 ...
67 votes
0 answers

Cut out that infernal racket! Turn the [volume] down to 0

For tag volume: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? It is very ambiguous. In addition to the audio meaning and the geometric meaning cited in ...
10 votes
0 answers

Proposed tag synonym filtering -> filter

Please don't vote on the tag right away. It is already at +2, at +4 the synonym gets approved and the tags get mixed, we won't be able to undo that action. So let's discuss here before an irreversible ...

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