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Unanswered Questions

222 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

Why does the question verifier false flag beautified Stack Snippets code as not being code?

The last time I answered a question using Stack Snippets, I ended up having to edit the answer in such a way I'd have to realign most of it by a tab. This was the first time I noticed Stack Snippets ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can't see the last line after pasted code to snippet editor

After I pasted some long codes to the Stack Snippet editor, I couldn't scroll down to the last, "wrapped" line, it's almost invisible: Try it in a 800x600 screen, paste this code to the HTML box: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Link to "edit the above snippet" impossibly tiny in IE11

Well, today I was looking at a question and testing some code. It is an experimental code I'm playing around to use in stack snippets. And I've noticed this: You see that VERY tiny text? Well, I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Allow single code block to be used in multiple snippets in single post

I searched through all (presently four or five) pages of stack-snippet questions, so if this has already been asked, I apologize. That out of the way, I'm wondering if we might get the ability to... ...
2 votes
0 answers

Allow inserting Stack Snippets into profile "About Me" section

I think allowing Stack Snippets on the profile page could be a nice addition. I remember someone saying that profile pages are not visited too frequently, so I don't think this would bring up a huge ...
2 votes
1 answer

Stack snippet Auto indentation not work anymore

I just noticed that the Auto indentation (Shift + tab) does not indent the code anymore in the stack snippet but instead reduce the indent level by one, example to make a fast test : <ul> &...
1 vote
0 answers

Warn about unsaved changes in code snippet

Context: While writing a question or answer, an attempt to leave the page (by trying to close that browser tab or clicking on a link) triggers a confirmation dialog. Moreover, returning to the same ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why does Stack Overflow's code snippet show a different result compared with a normal editor?

Today, when I was answering a question, I observed that the result from the code snippet Stack Overflow give us is different from other editors. For example, this and this both shows the right result, ...
1 vote
0 answers

When you click on "Tidy", "/>" from "<img/>" goes to the next line if there are too many characters

It's just a little thing, but I noticed that if an img element is closed like <img /> and you click on the Tidy button, the /> is put on the next line when there are too much characters ...
1 vote
0 answers

Snippets reviewed/edited feature

I was thinking that the "big huge snippets" problem could be resolved with a new possibility: If a snippet was copied from the question to the answer, I think it would be fine enough if the displayed ...
1 vote
0 answers

Does the new "runnable snippets" feature poses security risks?

Runnable snippets are very handy, especially when tackling JS and HTML questions, but they basically allow random people to execute random code in your browser. I realize that snippets are iframed, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can not make sure that code snippet result is updated

When I write code in a code snippet I use the "RUN" button many times to check the current state of my code, but there is no indication to make sure if the result is changed so I click the Run button ...

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