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Questions that may not necessarily have a clear-cut right or wrong answer and are often subjective. If your question isn't a bug report, feature request, or request for assistance, or question with a concrete answer, it's probably a discussion.

4 votes
0 answers

I just got a tag badge for a language I don't even know

I got a bronze tag badge today for Objective-C even though I've never written a single Obj-C program in my life. I can guess my way through the meaning sometimes, but I certainly can't produce the syn …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
8 votes

How can recent answers catch up with popular old answers?

Adding a Bounty Premise: Adding a bounty to an old question with a new answer can help it rise to the top faster. This is a test rather than a definitive answer. I am trying it based on the advice in …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
26 votes

Can you ask a question you know is way over your own head?

I'm going to say, yes, it is ok to ask a question that is way over your head if you also do the following: Research the topic thoroughly yourself first (maybe not spending an entire semester but pro …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
3 votes

How can I ask better "newbie" questions in a language I'm learning?

While I agree that doing your own research, trying to figure it out yourself, and making minimal, complete, and verifiable examples (MVCE) are important and should definitely be encouraged, I also thi …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
31 votes

Are new Swift answers on old Objective-C questions beneficial?

Speaking as someone who is a new iOS developer and has only learned Swift, I can say, yes, Swift answers in Objective-C questions are very beneficial. I've been helped countless times by them. There i …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
15 votes

Documentation: The Update-en-ing

Why I support documentation I'm still supportive of Documentation. Explanation and examples are hugely important for understanding an API. As Stack Overflow currently stands, asking for a basic examp …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
15 votes

Am I free to express my feelings toward some SO participant on my own blog outside SO?

I can't imagine calling someone a moron off-site would get you banned, though as CodeCaster said I suppose it could depend on the nature of what you write. That said, I once read a quote attributed …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
13 votes

Sunsetting Documentation

I'm sorry to learn about your decision to stop the Documentation project, though I understand limited personnel resources and the need to focus on areas that will make money for your company. I hope …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
5 votes

Including other people's answer into your own accepted answer

While copying and pasting another user's answer into one's own answer shouldn't be done, there are, in my opinion, valid times to change and improve your answer based on a newer one to the same questi …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
4 votes
1 answer

How does a question make it to the Hot Meta Posts panel? [duplicate]

Surely this must be a duplicate but I couldn't find it. I was just curious how a question is chosen to be displayed on the Hot Meta Posts side panel. Is it the number of views? Votes? Comments? Edits …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
3 votes

How does a question make it to the Hot Meta Posts panel?

For Meta Stack Overflow only, we'll now be featuring all hot meta questions scoring 3 or more in the bulletin. And we'll exclude those more than 3 days old, to keep it fresh. As before, the lis …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
10 votes
1 answer

How to choose the duplicates among these 4 highly voted questions

When searching for an answer today I came across these four questions. They all basically ask the same thing and all have answers that solved my problem. Hide remove separator line if UITableViewCe …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
2 votes
1 answer

Guidelines for when a community wiki can be converted to a normal Q&A

What is the criteria for removing the Wiki status from a question? I understand that only moderators can convert questions to and from Community Wiki mode. I would like to know the criteria moderator …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
22 votes

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

Apparently a lot of the current moderators aren't spending the 30 minutes a day we elected them to do (source). Is there any reason to believe that you will actually spend the time?
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
5 votes
1 answer

Should [swift] and [objective-c] tags never be used together?

I recently asked a question using the tags ios objective-c swift textkit However, the objective-c and swift tags were edited out. I'm fine with that because I can see how the ios tag covers them both …
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k

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