What real action can one take in regards to a user display name ( to distinguish from a user profile ) that potentially endangers ( yes - endangers not "offends") another user ( or a group of users ) - or can cause them harm or damage from a third party .
So, Actually - although this issue is bothering me already for a long time ( years ! ) - I have also contemplated for a long time ( Years.. ) should I ask this question or not - and also how to do it without being accused of any number of unpleasant pronouns / titles .
Before asking , I tried reading some other related or relevant questions like :
Are political avatars and profiles OK?
Are political profiles that could possibly affect the participations of other users allowed?
Should political (possibly offensive) content be allowed in user's profile?
and on from
Non-neutral political phrases and terms in user profile and messages
Is it acceptable to insult god in a user profile?
But in those I mainly found opinions - an I did not find any answer as to what real action I can take , Plus I am also not sure as to where to ask this question ( SE, SO ? ) .
The issue
The issue I am referring to is related to at least one specific user display name and profile that has political messages and keywords embedded in it's username or user display name ( not only profile ) which relates to a specific regime in a specific territory .
Now , the reason why I contemplated a lot before asking this question is because
- Although frequently visiting and working at that specific territory which it effects , I am not a citizen there , not a part of that ethnics - so that political issue is as far away from me as can possibly be.
- I am liberal enough to know and understand that I personally should not care ( and on a personal level - I really don't ) about other people's opinions .
On the other hand :
- This case is about a username and not the profile . Profile page is easy to avoid - but a username appears everywhere ( comments, answers , and even own profile )
- In that specific territory, the embedded words are not considered offensive ( which I don't care ) but potentially illegal and DANGEROUS.
- Although I am not an integrated part of that territory on a personal level , I do have peers, colleagues and mostly important - employees that I care about .
- That specific territory is known for having a very efficient an rigorous internet censorship and firewall technologies .
- The situation HAS already actively effected me personally , my work, and my employees .
Real-cases :
Unfortunately , I am not talking only about imaginary, would-be fantasy possibilities .
I was working with a client that is related to the government , and while browsing my own profile , that username appeared . The official that was staring with me at the screen was shocked - but because of me being a "foreigner" - we moved on - but with palpable tension in the air . A day later I got a notice that the contract was cancelled.
One of our employees has opened a question that this user(name) was involved in without taking the required precautions ( Proxy-VPN-IpSpoofing) , and our office immediately suffered a retaliative 10 hours internet outage !
I had to purchase, install and maintain a special infrastructure only in order to be able to safely work with SE ( which we use a lot naturally ) - all that because of that specific username.
In the last few weeks , Each time the specific username appears in a question or comment that is accessed from our offices , our office is promptly disconnected from the ISP for 30min. ( and an overwhelming increase in attempt to sniff and penetrate network and devices)
Why should the community / moderators / other users care ?
Mainly because this issue affects other users which can be considered by-standers ( collateral damage ? )
Now, I do understand ( and am also happy about ) the fact that SE is an a-political website / community, and does not want to be involved in any of this, or to take any action in regards, but I feel that it is a bit unfair that one ( or more ) users are taking actions that can affect others that are totally innocent , passive by-standers. ( and I do not mean "offend" - I mean real palpable effect )
I also understand , that for people who are not involved in the territory, not work with it's people, or do not know it's political panorama, would not understand or care about this issue .
But on the other hand - this issue can also potentially have a great effect on the community / website , because eventually the whole site could be banned from the territory, which would effect many ( MANY ) other innocent users ( and would also be a big lost in traffic from that vast territory ).
In that regard , the community , IMHO , must know the difference between offensive and potentially dangerous to other users .
Just to further explain - A similar example might be if a user would incorporate some keywords in it's username which are are considered illegal or are on a specific country / agency watch-list - and another innocent user would be in immediate trouble for being associated with a cause totally foreign to oneself - just because a certain keywords and traffic analysis algorithm has flagged that user . ( again - I do not want to give examples here - and please avoid them in comments ) . I can not imagine the community not taking any action in that case for a different ( read : US ) territory .
The Quesion
What to do ?
Since to my understanding - one can not flag a profile or username , and the option of directly addressing the user seems to have predictable results ( reading also other previous comments and discussions ) , and might be labeled inappropriate - I am now not sure what I have to do in regards to a real action , and how to handle this situation. Who to contacts and how ?
For obvious reason I do not want to specify the exact username or a link to the profile - I do not want to cause any backlash to that user, or myself . Also - the specific user is not the point exactly - and on a personal level I might even agree with the it's views - But that is not the point .
I always believed that each one can express it's own points or views to the line where is actually damaging ( not "offending" ) others.
I also do not include the discussed territory specific name - which is probably obvious to everyone - and I can not wait until someone would post a comment with specific names ( please don't !! the " can't wait" was sarcastic ).
The "fun" fact ( sarcastic again - not fun at all ) is that beside the above mentioned reasons - mentioning the specific username and territory would only propagate the problem further , to the point that I might not be able to even access this very question or the website as a whole .
Lastly , Although I am quite sure that everything is transparent enough even if not specified, if any of the SO/SE staff would want more details, I will provide them in am more direct way ( not in the question / comments )