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The new and "improved" tag page doesn't show the [ask question] button unless the tag is being watched

The Ask Question button is missing on tag pages when one is not watching that specific tag. For example, when I'm watching c# I can ask questions: But not when I'm not watching that tag: In case it ...
cafce25's user avatar
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28 votes
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For certain extremely common duplicates, it should be possible to put prominent warnings up front

I just closed yet another question about an extremely common error message as a duplicate of its canonical: Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-7 votes
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The "Review your question" button is not activated

It happened on classic "Stack Overflow" which was about coding. I don't even know how to comment it. Here is an image: The "Next" buttons have been pressed too. How can I submit ...
Developer's user avatar
1 vote
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How are the placeholder tags selected for a question?

I was posting a question at Stack Overflow. The placeholder (placeholder="e.g. ( angularjs jquery)") for tags seemed a bit outdated to me. How are they selected?
codeandcloud's user avatar
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Regrouping the two code code insertion icons for clarity when asking a question [duplicate]

As part of my interaction design studies, we analyzed Stack Overflow. Thereby I saw that many users mix up both icons used to insert code. When they are asking to insert a runnable code snippet, they ...
Lyokolux's user avatar
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Consider moving tags into question header to discourage tags in titles [duplicate]

Preventing tags in titles seems to be an uphill battle. What about this simple layout change, which may positively impact UX and cause fewer tags in titles: move the tags just below the question title ...
Ondrej Tucny's user avatar
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4 votes
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Error message box overlapping the title bar

Recently I noticed that while asking question on Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow, the error message box is overlapping in the title bar. Please check the below screenshots: Screenshots while ...
AskNilesh's user avatar
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6 votes
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Add a quick confirmation message when posting questions [duplicate]

This question was recently asked. To summarize it, someone accidentally posted their question before writing their full question. As unlikely as it may sound at first, it isn't too hard to do if you ...
Tyler's user avatar
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Tag [android-listview] using [listview]

I recently asked a question and set the tag android-listview, but the tag listview appeared instead. On the other hand, I also set the tag android-view, and this one appeared correctly. Is this a ...
Eric Brandwein's user avatar
2 votes
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stackoverflow list of keyboard shortcuts [duplicate]

what are the list of rapid shortcuts that we can use when asking / answering in SO? I mean when I accidentally press e the whole question gets gray framed and i have no idea how to remove that ...
ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ's user avatar
18 votes
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The form on the "Ask Question" page is filled with a question which I've already asked

I was going to ask a question but when I've clicked on the "Ask Question" tab, the form was already filled with a question I've asked a few days ago. Even refreshing doesn't empty the form. Is this ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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"Ask Question" button should still be a link when asking a question

Current behavior: Click "Ask Question" button The "Ask a Question" page loads. Attempt to click the button again The button is not clickable. This behavior is incoherent with other buttons. For ...
Oriol's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can't select anything in Question Preview [duplicate]

OK, this is really annoying. When you are entering a question in SO, and you attempt to highlight something in the preview to copy/paste, your selection is immediately removed. With Fiddler open I ...
mellamokb's user avatar
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3 votes
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iPhone, mobile-web; questions with active bounties [closed]

I was perusing the stack site on my iPhone and realized when looking though the questions I couldn't locate a sort option for questions with active bounties. Does it exist on for mobile or has anyone ...
visyoual's user avatar
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