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Questions tagged [unicorns]

The unicorn is a legendary animal that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead.

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177 votes
5 answers

Is it true that if someone reaches 200k reputation they get a painting with a unicorn on it?

I've seen a blog post with Jon Skeet on it holding a painting of a unicorn with the title "What happens if you reach 200k reputation?"
Adam Arold's user avatar
  • 30.5k
26 votes
1 answer

Why only back-end - I rather like front-end - it is far more important to the topic at hand

Why do I get shown only the backend? The frontend is far more important: I’m using Google Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit). Frontend only by F12 dev-tools:
Patrick Artner's user avatar