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How should we handle recursive getter/setter StackOverflowException questions?

Periodically questions are posted where the OP uses a property in its getter/setter which leads to recursive calls and results in StackOverflowException. The most recent one is here. How should we ...
Sinatr's user avatar
  • 21.9k
30 votes
4 answers

Are questions about code published in a book exclusions from the general off-topic "typo" rule? [duplicate]

This question hit the Hot Network list: What does this colon mean? It is not labeling, it is not ternary operator The question is, basically, about a strange looking syntax found in a C++ book's ...
Roddy of the Frozen Peas's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Should I close question as Typo-Error if problem was missing reference? [duplicate]

I see questions where problem is just missing reference (dll, nuget) or missing namespace in code. Hence, either code cannot compile or an exception at run time. Are these questions on-topic? Or can ...
Amit Joshi's user avatar
  • 16.3k
-22 votes
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Should languages with indentation based syntax be exempted from "simple typographical error" closure?

Python, for example, uses tabs or spaces to define code blocks. So beginners could legitimately be facing such a situation and not realizing it. An example would be my own in Python 2.7.5, why is &...
Bryan Dunphy's user avatar