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26 votes
1 answer

How to find a question by its old tag when that tag is synonymized with another

On Meta, chatgpt has been synonymized with ai-generated-content, but when I go to its tag page, there are only 7 questions listed when I know that there were way more questions with the chatgpt tag ...
24 votes
1 answer

Exclude collectives from search

I can filter posts with collectives, like collective:"Google Cloud", but is there a way to exclude them from search, like I do with tags(-[tag])?
3 votes
1 answer

Find specific question

Just one or two days ago there was a question about real world applications of graph theory on SO (the main Stack Overflow site) listed in hot network questions. Now I cannot find it. Do you know how ...
11 votes
1 answer

"or" keyword doesn't work in search

I used to use this link to access questions that I'm interested in for almost a year, but now it doesn't work; it shows me a 404 Not Found error. I got this link by searching for [tag1] or [tag2] or .....
15 votes
2 answers

Incomplete results for wildcard search?

If I understand the search help correctly, searching for appreciat* should always also include the results for a search of appreciate. But it seems it doesn't? Searching for appreciat* returns just 1,...
21 votes
1 answer

Question links now have annoying suffix

In the search listing on both SO and MSO, questions seem to have gained an annoying query string suffix, I'm guessing to indicate which position in the list the question appears and the second part ...