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Migrating a question to another Stack Exchange network site [duplicate]

I want to migrate a question I wrote on Stack Overflow by mistake to the Graphic Design Stack Exchange site. When I try to close the question as off-topic and associate it with another Stack&...
bArmageddon's user avatar
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What happens when a question is migrated to a site that the OP isn't a member of?

I recently answered this question that was migrated from CS StackExchange. However, the OP doesn't have an account on Stack Overflow, just there. Will the OP still be notified about my answer? Can ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
36 votes
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Guidance on migrating questions to Code Review

I am facing problems when trying to figure out if a question should be migrated. Last year (yes, quite a while ago), I flagged this question for migration to Code Review, with a custom moderator flag. ...
Seth's user avatar
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Question moved from a site where it should have remained

I have found this question that had been migrated from Computer Science. I could understand and answer it. Then I realized that my answer was not involving any coding part, and that both the question ...
Serge Ballesta's user avatar
-12 votes
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Allow users to migrate their own question if the question has flags

Due to reasons explained in this comment, users aren't allowed to migrate their own questions to other Stack Exchange sites (to prevent mistakes and abuse). I would like it to be possible for users to ...
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9 votes
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Can I myself move my own question to another site? [duplicate]

I posted a question on Stack Overflow and after a discussion with other users I noticed that it would fit better on Super User (it's about FTP hosts so it's at the limit between programming and ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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Migration - what happens to answers and rep?

I recently answered a question relating to SNMP here. However someone (validly) pointed out in the comments that because the poster hasn't specified that their question is relating to programming ...
Matt Coubrough's user avatar
3 votes
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What happens to specific questions, when new site in this area is created?

What happened to Drupal-tagged questions, when Drupal Answers were created? Were they all migrated to new site or new site is responsible only for accepting new questions? What is current SE politics ...
trejder's user avatar
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