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How to find suggested edits on my posts if I don't have 2k reputation?

According to here, I can reject or approve suggested edits on my own questions even if I don't have enough reputation. How can I do that? I don't have 2000 reputation so when I go to the suggested ...
aaronn's user avatar
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-25 votes
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"mostly code" filtering, reputation hiccup

It seems that the "mostly code" filtering is reputation based [src]. As in, low-reputation users are on a stricter post diet than higher-reputation users. Makes sense, kinda ... so far. What makes no ...
MvGulik's user avatar
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39 votes
1 answer

Should I really get rep twice for two suggested edits on the same post?

I made an edit to this question due to bad formatting (which I can't stand), and since I'm below 2k, I got the +2 rep for it. Later on (maybe 30 minutes), after much banter in the comments and the ...
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2 votes
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Got two times reputation for editing question/Suggested Edits

I've edited this question two times. Both the time edit got approved. So I've got +4 reputation for edits. However It's not deliberate act to get reputation though. It was my bad. So question, User's ...
Rahul Nikate's user avatar
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71 votes
2 answers

Why don't you continue to gain 2 rep for edits once you've reached 2k rep?

I noticed that once I've passed 2k rep points, I don't get 2 points for edits anymore. What is the rationale/reason behind this action? I'm aware of the "Edit Questions and Answers" ...
NirMH's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

Edit hunting and possible reputation farming - how should I react? [duplicate]

Occasionally the suggested edits queue on Stack Overflow gets flooded with edit suggestions by the same user. A few minutes ago there were ~5 suggested edits by the same user who apparently searched ...
Mr. Llama's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

The editing reputation limit?

The help center seems to suggest there is a limit on reputation earned from accepted suggested edits: suggested edit is accepted: +2 (up to +1000 total per user) Do you simply stop gaining ...
67cherries's user avatar
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