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What is the best way to reference a post of another SE community?

Suppose there are similar questions on the Stack Overflow. It is possible to flag one of the questions to report the question is a duplicate of another post. In this case a user who seeks a solution ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Answer to question on SO on unix.stackexchange

If there is a question on SO with an answer that solves the problem on unix.stackexchange, is it right (is it possible?) to close the question on SO as duplicate of the one on unix?
ControlAltDel's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Allow to close a question as a duplicate using a question from another Stack Exchange site

At the moment at Stack Overflow if I try to vote to close a question as a duplicate I have to choose an existing question from Stack Overflow. If I try to choose an existing question at ...
Vladimir Baranov's user avatar
2 votes
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When is it OK to ask my unanswered question on a more specific SE site?

I asked a question on StackOverflow. It has not been answered for some time. I realized that although SO is completely appropriate, there is another SE site which is more specific to my question. Is ...
Konstantin Shemyak's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How do I handle duplicates when they are asked on other SE sites?

I recently saw the same question asked in two SE sites and I got curious. What should I do if I am answering a question and there is an answer on another SE site. Should I flag the question as a ...
Aelphaeis's user avatar
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Should I ask questions that have been answered on other Q&A sites?

I was recently searching for a question that I found an answer to on a Google groups site. If I had not found the answer on that site, I probably would have asked the question on SO. Which has got ...
Francis Smart's user avatar