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Users without the comment privilege unable to edit their own comments

I've noticed that I can't edit my comments even though they're on my own posts/answers to my questions. I get this: Why must you torture me and waste time with this? It only takes about ten extra ...
MD XF's user avatar
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Allow new user's comments on any post in their own question [closed]

Feature Request: Allow new users to comment on any post on their own question. Example of problem: User01 posts a question: What's 1 + 1 A swarm of mods quickly close the question Ignore the ...
Cullub's user avatar
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Advice to "automatically move this discussion to chat" even when the other commenter has < 20 rep [duplicate]

Despite the fact that the other user engaged in commenting with me is a new user, the system is encouraging me to move the discussion to chat. Upon clicking the link, it's clearly smart enough to ...
Lynn Crumbling's user avatar