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Visiting the Developer Story Preferences tab makes the story tab visible, even if I never touch the checkbox [closed]

Since the rollout of Developer Story yesterday, everyone has a new preferences tab in their profile: This lets you control the appearance of a "Developer Story" tab next to the default "Profile" and "...
Shog9's user avatar
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44 votes
2 answers

GitHub is misspelled "Github" in the Developer Story page [closed]

I noticed a little typo in the Developer Story page: "GitHub" is incorrectly capitalized as "Github". The typo is in two places and perhaps more: If you don't have a GitHub profile linked, then it ...
Michael Geary's user avatar
17 votes
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The warning about my Private Information is inaccurate; name changes don't affect my developer story [closed]

If I begin changing my name in my Private Information on the Edit Profile & Settings page, the following notice shows up (bold present in the original): ⚠️ Updates to your Full name will be ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
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Duplicates in "Company Name" dropdown under "Current position" on Stack Overflow profile page [closed]

In the "Edit profile" page on Stack Overflow, I see that there are multiple "Experis IT" and "EXPERIS - MANPOWER GROUP" options in the drop-down list for "Company Name" (see screenshot below). How ...
Turbolego's user avatar
11 votes
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Developer Story tab tooltip behind top bar [closed]

I have just noticed that the tooltip on the Developer Story tab in my profile is behind the top bar. So you really can read only the half of the message. I tested Chrome and Firefox, which both have ...
Samuel Philipp's user avatar
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Updating job in private Developer Story syncs to public SO profile [closed]

A few months ago, I updated my Developer Story for procrastination, which included adding a new job role that I began last year. My Developer Story is set to "private". Today I noticed that my ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
7 votes
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Developer story has too narrow tooltip [closed]

I see the following in my profile when pointing to exclamation icon:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
6 votes
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Developer Story Skill IQ Bug. Readding Improved Skill IQ will not add it to the profile header [closed]

There seems to be a bug with the 'Add Skill IQ' feature. I have previously added Pluralsight Skill IQ for JavaScript back in October 2020. I have retaken the assessment recently in November 2020. ...
theonly1me's user avatar
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