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23 votes
1 answer

Why does the UTC time only appear in the achievement tab?

I was bored and started clicking the tabs of the top navBar, and then I noticed one thing that I cannot explain to myself: As you can see, UTC time is displayed in the achievements tab: But it is ...
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-13 votes
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An achievement system to privileges

So I just posted one question and all of a sudden I have 3 new privileges. I can only assume knowing more about my new privileges would enhance my experience here, but I don't exactly have the time to ...
Mark Puchala II's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Is getting a downvote really an achievement?

I just saw that my "Achievements" notification bar showed that I had got two downvotes for my two questions. How does getting downvotes become an achievement? In my opinion, getting downvotes doesn't ...
Amit Joki's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is the 'recent achievements' icon helpful?

In several recent and high-profile questions on Meta about the quality of questions and answers on SO, people have suggested that excessive 'gamification' leading to 'reputation chasing' is a problem. ...
jwg's user avatar
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