Linked Questions

90 votes
1 answer

Why did I receive a nine-months suspension because I reviewed something to 'Requires editing' instead of 'Unsalvageable'?

You’ve been suspended from reviewing. You will be able to review again on Dec 4 at 1:41. Your review on triage/25664945 wasn't helpful. The "Requires Editing" option should only be used when ...
sonstabo's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

How did 3 reviewers miss this blatant plagiarism?

There's something wrong with the Review Queue for First Time Posters. See here where a straight up rip-off from another answer was posted, reviewed at least three times, and no one noticed the blatant ...
matt wilkie's user avatar
  • 18.1k
50 votes
3 answers

Can anyone explain this Close Vote Review audit failure? [duplicate] I really don't even want to elaborate on the answer to how on Earth this could be a good audit example. I've been having some discussions off and on ...
jonsca's user avatar
  • 10.4k
46 votes
3 answers

Failed known-bad audit after flagging because I'm Done was not enabled

I recently reviewed a post where I flagged a post as Not an Answer. Now usually the "I'm Done" button is highlighted after I flag or if it's a test it automatically shows the result but this time the "...
Pirate X's user avatar
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66 votes
3 answers

Does Stack Overflow have (or need) rep milestone schools?

I've noticed quite a few questions on Meta where users have reached a rep milestone that involves unlocking review queues and thus encountering review audits, and they seem to be struggling with a ...
Mark Benningfield's user avatar
55 votes
4 answers

Practice queues for review training

Would it be feasible and desirable to have practice queues for the various review queues? Such queues could help those who are new to the review process learn how to do reviews; they could also help ...
PM 2Ring's user avatar
  • 55.3k
16 votes
7 answers

Too much importance given to the lack of context explanation for a link in an answer?

This is not the first time I'm audited while reviewing an answer which: Contains a link to a solution Also contains the solution itself But doesn't contain a summary of the linked resource. Here is ...
mins's user avatar
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98 votes
2 answers

Add an obvious "Flag" button to the Late Answers and First Posts review queues

In celebration of my recent electoral victory, I've been handing out party favors in the form of review bans to users who've dealt improperly with posts confronted in review queues. I've only done ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
37 votes
2 answers

Pasting Fiddle snippet into original question as an edit

When I was reviewing "Suggested Edits", I came across an edit where someone had pasted the code from the Fiddle OP had added into the original question. I skipped it because I was unsure what to do. ...
VDWWD's user avatar
  • 35.5k
22 votes
1 answer

Handle new answers to old questions

I'm very new to reviewing answers, and I found a new one by a new user at this question What is the difference between ++i and i++? asked 7 years ago. I downvoted it, but I'd like to be sure, how ...
Phate01's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

When reviewing, should one be expected to open the question in another tab?

When one reviews answers to old questions, one can only see the question and the answer, so it can't be determined on that screen if the question has already been answered. Partial answers are ...
Ruzihm's user avatar
  • 20.2k
-28 votes
1 answer

"You made too many incorrect reviews" - I just made one!

I sometimes make mistakes when reviewing. It doesn't happen too often, but sometimes I just don't pay enough attention and I fail. I'm not perfect. But after just one failed audit, I get banned for ...
bytecode77's user avatar
  • 14.8k
133 votes
0 answers

FAQ Index for Stack Overflow

Community FAQ (For Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow) For official guidance from Stack Exchange, visit the Help Center. Stack Overflow is part of a wider network; for issues that apply to Stack ...
26 votes
1 answer

Failed and banned for user who answered the question correctly?

Related: How should I get started reviewing the Late Answers and First Questions/ Answers Queues? It seems I've failed the audit of user who answered the question correctly. The answer was: I also ...
kenorb's user avatar
  • 166k
17 votes
2 answers

My flags keep getting declined

Actually this time I do not have a question. Instead, I would like to discuss why I do not agree with the persons who declined my flags. I have flagged this and this post as NAA. Both flags have been ...
scopchanov's user avatar
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