Starting today, logged-out users on Stack Overflow will see a banner with a survey to join our research panel. This simply means opting in to be contacted to participate in future research opportunities the company conducts. Unregistered users make up a significant portion of the Stack Overflow community, and we want to better understand their unique experiences. To ensure that this group of users is included in future research efforts, the banner will only be shown to those who are not logged in.
The survey linked from the banner is specifically intended for users who browse the site but have never created an account. After answering a few questions about their experience on Stack Overflow, they may receive occasional invitations to participate in research, depending on the relevance of the research topic to their experience. Those who sign up can also opt-out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link included in all our research invitation emails.
While we are currently focusing on unregistered users, you can always let us know if you are interested in participating in the future. If you already have an account on Stack Overflow, you can opt into receiving research opportunities in your email settings.
We plan on having this survey banner run for approximately two weeks and it is dismissible. If we decide to extend the timeline of the banner being live, we’ll update this post to let you know.
Here's a screenshot of the banner so you can see what it looks like.
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.