The general case
If you find a question that has been posted on multiple sites (the same exact question, word-for-word):
Flag the question for moderator attention. Simultaneously cross-posting the same question on multiple sites is frowned upon. Pick one site where you think it's best for the question to appear. Flag the copy on the other site for moderator attention, and suggest that they close that copy. You can optionally link to the official policy in the flag text if you wish.
Cross-posting is controversial. Some people think that there is no problem with it. Some think that it is problematic or should be prohibited. The official policy is here: Is cross-posting a question on multiple Stack Exchange sites permitted if the question is on-topic for each site?
I am describing the practice I have taken. I have found that on many sites, including Stack Overflow, the approach I've listed here is well-received. My opinion is that there is no need to keep both copies open -- if they are cross-linked, then anyone who wants to answer can follow the links to go to the copy that is open and answer over there. Also, my experience is that keeping multiple copies open is frequently detrimental -- it fragments discussion, improvements/clarifications to the question on one site often don't copied over to the other one, etc. These are just my personal views and opinions, based on my experiences on the sites that I frequent. Please understand that others have a different view, and I think their views are reasonable as well.
Finally, you emphasized that in this situation both copies have answers. I think the approach listed above is still reasonable. One approach is to close one copy, and cross-link. Then anyone who encounters one copy will see the links and be able to see the other answers on the other copy. Another approach is to close one copy and ask the moderators to migrate it to the other site; and then on that site, flag for moderators to ask the moderators to merge the two copies. That will put both answers in one place, and have a single authoritative location to go to find all answers to that question. That is more work and I'm not sure whether it is worth the hassle, but it is also a valid solution, in my opinion.
This specific case
This is not a classic cross-post. The question is not word-for-word identical on both sites. As such, I am not sure whether "cross-site duplicate" is quite the right way to describe this situation. It seems a bit unusual to me. And I'm not sure what the right response to this specific situation is.
In this case, the copy on Bioinformatics appears to be a better-formulated question. It is more detailed, and explains more clearly the problem statement. It was edited significantly with additional information and clarifications that is not found in the question on Stack Overflow. I find the question on Stack Overflow hard to understand and I don't think it is clearly specified enough to answer. There is information that is important for understanding the problem in the comments, but that information was never included in the Stack Overflow question itself.
Therefore, in this case I believe the copy on SO should be closed as 'unclear what you're asking'. This also happens to eliminate the problem of a cross-posted question, at least for now.
I don't believe you should post your answer to both sites.