I've created a couple of queries to try and answer this question, but a lot of badges are impossible (or incredibly difficult) to determine using the Stack Exchange Data Explorer. For greater simplicity I'll limit the badges I consider to those that are directly tied to a post when viewing the help page for that badge. (As an example, the help page for Nice Question.)
For questions, I was only able to determine the following badges:
- Nice Question
- Good Question
- Great Question
- Popular Question
- Notable Question
- Famous Question
- Favorite Question
- Stellar Question
- Promoter
- Editor (was the question the first post the user edited)
- Cleanup (was the question the first post the user rolled back)
Question badges I can't/don't know how to/don't want to determine:
- Benefactor
- Tumbleweed
- Student
- Scholar
The following might have posts tied to them, but since I don't have enough reputation to view the flag queue or deleted posts, I'm not sure if the help pages look different for users who can.
- Citizen Patrol
- Disciplined
- Peer Pressure
I'm also going to exclude the Announcer, Booster, and Publicist badges from calculations, for a few reasons. First, because there is no possible way to calculate them using the Data Explorer, as share information isn't in there. Second, they can be earned (in theory) at infinite number times for a single question. Every single one of SO's 4.2 million and counting users could share a link to a question, and if each is clicked on by 1000 different IP addresses, the question would earn 4.2 million Announcer, Booster, and Publicist badges.
The Query & Results
The query: Which questions have earned the most badges?
The results: Of the eleven badges my query calculates for, only one question has earned all eleven badges.
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds, asked by Nathan Fig
This question didn't earn any of the badges I didn't calculate in my query, as Nathan never awarded the bounty, he had previously asked questions, and hasn't shared the question heavily. Let's step down to the 7 questions that earned 10 of the 11 badges the query calculates.
All of these questions earned the eight "XYZ Question" badges and then two out of three of the remaining ones.
The spread:
| Asker | Promoter | Editor | Cleanup |
| danikoren | X | X | |
| husayt | | X | X |
| marco | X | X | |
| iain | | X | X |
| mschonaker | X | X | |
| jsuggs | X | X | |
| hypercrypt | X | | X |
As for the badges not included in the query, how do these questions stack up? None of them earned Tumbleweed badge but they earned some combination of the three remaining ones.
| Asker | Benefactor | Student | Scholar | New Total |
| danikoren | X | | X | 12 |
| husayt | | X | | 11 |
| marco | X | X | X | 13 |
| iain | | | | 10 |
| mschonaker | X | | | 11 |
| jsuggs | | | | 10 |
| hypercrypt | X | X | X | 13 |
So hypercrypt's and marco's answers are now the answers to beat, at 13, and since a question that earned 9 of the 11 calculated can only earn at most 4 of badges that weren't calculated, it's safe to conclude that 13 is the highest number of non-sharing badges that a question has directly earned.
For answers, I was able to calculate the following badges:
- Nice Answer
- Good Answer
- Great Answer
- Guru
- Enlightened
- Reversal
- Populist
- Necromancer
- Editor
- Cleanup
I was unable to/didn't calculate the following:
- Revival
- Self-Learner
- Teacher
And same with questions, I was unsure if I could/should calculate the delete and flag badges:
- Citizen Patrol
- Disciplined
- Peer Pressure
The Query & Results
The query: Which answers have earned the most badges?
The results: Of the ten badges I calculated, the most any one answer earned was seven, which was kind of surprising. But six answers earned that many.
But which of them earned which badges? Well, all of them earned Nice Answer, Good Answer, Great Answer, and Necromancer. As for the other ones,
| Answer by | Guru | Enlightened | Reversal | Populist | Editor | Cleanup |
| Jano | X | X | | | X | |
| Rich86man | X | X | | | | X |
| patrik | | | | X | X | X |
| wiseindy | X | X | | | | X |
| Ankish Jain | X | | | | X | X |
| flu | X | X | | | X | |
So if we include the badges that the query doesn't, which answer has earned the most?
| Answer by | Revival | Self-Learner | Teacher | New Total |
| Jano | X | | | 8 |
| Rich86man | | | | 7 |
| patrik | | | X | 8 |
| wiseindy | X | | X | 9 |
| Ankish Jain | | | | 7 |
| flu | X | | X | 9 |
So unless one of 88 answers with 6 of the badges the query calculated has all three of the answer badges it didn't calculate (anyone interested in finding that out?), I proclaim the "Badgyest Answer" to be a tie between wiseindy's answer on "Xcode Product -> Archive disabled" and flu's answer on "Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?". Even if there's an answer with six of the calculated badges and all three of the non-calculated badges, it seems like nine is the highest number of badges an answer has directly earned.