I'm going to use some context your other question that you've freely admitted you've copied and pasted from to create this question.
Firstly it was opened because the user believed that the question was not a duplicate, it's literally as simple as that. No further context needs to be given; the user was a gold badge user and so they are trusted to know what is (and isn't) a duplicate.
There are instances where such users do abuse this privilege, however, this is often obvious when such users post answer (almost) identical to those on the prior duplicate and frequently reopen dupe questions, which is not the case here as far as I can tell.
Next your "misuse" claim. From your prior question, this seems to partly stem from your statement:
the reopening reason was not given by the user who reopened it
This statement was also in this question, until multiple users called you out on it. Commenting on why you vote is never required, be that a close, down, up or reopen vote; stating that it is "misuse" of a vote when no comment is given, in my opinion, demonstrates a misunderstanding of the voting mechanics of your own.
As for that there are other duplicates, that is your opinion, and the other voter is entitled to theirs. Much like if a user votes up a question you think is bad, that is not misuse of votes. We are all entitled to use our votes as we see fit. Misuse of votes would be things like targetted votes on a user, or the scenario I offered in the subtext earlier; can you offer proof that the user in question is reopening many duplicate questions and then providing duplicate answers (answers that are near identical to answers on the duplicate questions)?
So no, this is not "misuse", it's an opinion of the user that the question is not a duplicate, and the user used their voting priviledge to denote that, by using the reopen feature; that's all that happened. No misuse, and the user was even kind enough to state their reason in the comments on the question being discussed. If you don't agree with that reason, well chat exists, where you can discuss it if you like, provided both parties are happy to do so.