Converting the question in a burninate-request as suggested in the comments.
I believe the tag corporate should be burninated.
It fails all the preliminary checks before burnination:
Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous?
Questions having this tag as the one and only tag are unrelated to writing code and using tools to do that. Questions having this tag with other tags refer to company policies, software deployment across the company, etc.
Is the concept described even on-topic for the site?
It's not directly related to writing code and using tools to do that.
Does the tag add any meaningful information to the post?
The tag excerpt and wiki are empty. As people who write code and use tools to do that, "corporate" doesn't provide any meaningful information.
Does it mean the same thing in all common contexts?
It is also problematic because:
- it might lead people to think that is OK to ask questions about "corporate" when it's not.
- it makes people lose time when search engines point them to Stack Overflow.
Should corporate be removed or should we keep it? If we should keep it, what should be the next steps (add a tag excerpt / wiki, do a tag clean-up...)?
Searching Shadow IT on Stack Exchange, the first result that I got was The pros and cons of "Shadow IT" in software development from 2009. This question has only one tag: corporate. This tag
has no tag excerpt / wiki
has 61 questions
has the following related question (shown in corresponding widget on the side panel)
When does innovative software development shows?
- this question is tagged [tag:corporate][tag:innovation]. -
has the following related tags (shown in corresponding widget on the side panel):
- proxy × 17
- android × 4
- version-control × 4
- docker × 4
- node.js × 3
- git × 3
- php × 3
- iphone × 3
- firewall × 3
- content-management-system × 3
Other "corporate" tags
- corporate-policy, no tag excerpt, 15 questions.
- opencorporates, no tag excerpt, 4 questions. (There is a REST API called
, so this one might be on-topic.)