My question, How to incorporate individual measurement uncertainties into Gaussian Process?, was editted by the community to omit the data-science tag I included. This surprised me.
I noticed this question Getting "TypeError: fit() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'" for linear regression in python, which discusses regression, has been tagged as data-science.
The definition of the data-science tag is:
Implementation questions about data science. Data science concerns extracting knowledge or insights from data, in whatever shape or form. It can contain predictive analytics and usually takes a lot of data wrangling. General questions about data science should be posted to their respective communities. `
Is my question too general a question about data science? It seems like it is about predictive analytics, particularly about how to incorporate uncertainty data with measurement data.
I don't understand why the data-science tag was removed. Would it be OK for me to add it back?