It is common to gain a lot of reputation from really simple & basic questions about Visual Studio code. The highest scoring answer on my account is about configuring the color of brackets in VS Code.
Now, in all fairness, some of the questions have to do with TextMate grammars, certain fields in JSON files with a schema that defines them (like VS Code Theme development) etc... But some questions are like this one (which I randomly picked from some of the highest scoring settings). That question asks about adding indentation to a file tree. I don't understand how that pertains to coding.
I get that the editor is a piece of software used as a tool to code, but it seems like some of the questions don't really belong on Stack Overflow. I could totally be wrong, I am hoping to create a less blurred line, which is a metaphor that I think properly describes the topic. "A line, that is blurred, between programming, and configuring software".
I never see VS code questions closed due to "not being appropriate for this site", and I am really active on that tag. Yet, I frequently see other editors have questions closed for that reason, and I would like to know why that it is. I was hoping someone who can describe this topic with more prudence than I can, would enlighten me.