In light of this question on Stack Exchange Deprecating our mobile views, the seems to be some ongoing effort to update some of the views of the website, that didn't display optimally on mobile.
But instead of focusing on things that are actually broken on mobile (hint: user profile page), there seem to be changes that do nothing but diminish the user experience on mobile (and also half screen).
The example that caught my attention was the removal of the "Tools" (10K only) link on dropdown of the review icon when the window is half width (and on mobile). See screenshots below:
The whole point of using the "Full site" option all this time was to be able to access the full functionality of the website. If the direction is to start removing stuff from the "full site" view until it is identical to old "mobile" view, then what is the point of all the effort?
Therefore my request is for the upgrade process to strictly follow, under all circumstances, the following rule:
- Anything that is clickable on the full width website, should always remain visible and clickable under ALL screen window widths, down to the minimum supported screen size To achieve this, things that are stacked horizontally, should either get stacked vertically, or be made scrollable.