That is not possible.
At best you can handcraft a code block in pure (allowed) HTML and make lines or characters bold by wrapping things in a <b></b>
void Main() {
int** i++; // don't do this
for(i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
a = a + &i;
but that is about it. Style attributes or CSS classes are not supported on the allowed HTML tags within an Stack Overflow post.
Above code block looks like this in markdown:
void Main() {
<b>int** i++; // don't do this</b>
for(i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
a = a + &i;
Just for the record: I don't think adding or using colors should be made possible. I don't fancy Stack Overflow posts to light up as a Christmas tree. The allowed use of Emoji is worse enough. Let's not TikTok down that rabbit hole.