
We just announced a new feature test for the "thank you" reaction on The Overflow blog.

We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers. Although it's less common on questions, the percentage of “thanks” comments has continued to slowly increase over the last few years.

chart showing the percent of comment on Stack Overflow with a "thank" in them, over time

Using this data and user research, we're introducing this clutter-free way for users to just say "thanks" to others for taking the time to answer questions.

Share your thanks

On the left of an answer post, you'll find a hands icon underneath the usual voting controls. By simply selecting the icon, you can share your thanks to the post-author. As reactions are added by users, a count of the reactions will appear below the icon.

This feature is available to all registered users, regardless of reputation (unlike voting, which is only available for users with 15 reputation or more).

Test variations

We’re testing two versions of the “thank you” icon:

We hope that this test will have a positive impact on our community and reduce:

  • Friction for users whose comments are deleted,
  • The burden on moderators, and
  • The time active users spend flagging/deleting comments.

Other details

  • Users will only be able to award 30 reactions during a single UTC day, like with voting, and you'll get a notification if you are approaching the target.
  • Users will only be able to award reactions to 5 posts by any given post owner during a single UTC day. You'll get a notification if you have reached the limit.
  • Reacting to an answer doesn't impact reputation so if you can vote and the answer solves the problem in the question, don't forget to vote as well.
  • Reactions don't notify the person who wrote the answer.

You can find more information about this in the Help Center.

What's next

We’ll be monitoring usage and other data over the next month and will use those results to inform how we may move forward with this experiment. If you run into any issues or bugs, please share them here.

Update: Please see Data validation & background for the Thank You Reaction feature test for more details on the plans for evaluating the results of this test, and for responding to the feedback given here

  • 128
    The frst step to transform this community to a Social network? This seems to me the "Like" of facebook. Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:31
  • 165
    Would it not have been a better idea to suggest this idea to the community first, get feedback and possible better solutions, and then test it? Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:42
  • 83
    Oh no. Whatever next. Allow users to mark posts with emoticons? I really don't need to see clapping hands everywhere. Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:44
  • 127
    I've just seen the feature and after reading the explanation page ... what exactly is the purpose? Isn't voting covering everything mentioned there?
    – akuzminykh
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:46
  • 32
    Surely this is what an upvote is for!? Why not just reduce that "1 in 6 coments says thanks" and do a "if comment.contains("thanks") && user == OP then upvote" and it might cull those 1/6 stats down a bit.. Are we soon to get a wired telephone, cobweb or maybe netscape navigator logo to mark answers as obsolete?
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:50
  • 74
    (I can't help but think that changing the upvote tooltip to "This was useful, thanks" would have saved a lot of dev..)
    – Caius Jard
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 19:53
  • 65
    I thought Stack Overflow was done with forcing unpopular changes on its users
    – pppery
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:01
  • 109
    Could we have a "No-thanks" button for this post so that I can downvote it twice please?
    – Turnip
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:03
  • 24
    Why can't I thank myself? I tried to give myself a good thanking but I couldn't. Thanks! Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:09
  • 69
    Please note that most people use the "two hands touching palm-to-palm" emoji exclusively to indicate "praying" rather than 'high five', putting aside any addtional issues of trying to connote "upvote by providing +10 reputation and +1 score" with the act of giving someone a 'high five'.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:18
  • 57
    @LisaPark Please also study votes cast on questions affected by this as I suspect we'll see fewer votes cast on this as people thing a "high five" is adequate. That will have the unfortunate side effect of people spending their clicks and effort on actions that have no effect. I don't care if a post has 500 positive reactions, because that doesn't help me or the system classify it. If a post has 500 upvotes, it directly affects the status of the post within the Q&A page, and it directly affects the status and privileges the author has.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:25
  • 47
    Personally, I am not able to find the wisdom in introducing a second "meaningless-to-the-system" act which I can only see as diverting attention away from the method we already have for saying thanks, giving high fives, providing kudos, awarding chili peppers, etc: the upvote. I think such efforts would be better served by trying to point people more clearly to the up/down vote options.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:27
  • 50
    Was there some outcry for this "feature"? Why are SO devs wasting there time with this when there's a long list of other problems and features that have been hanging around for ages? Stackoverflow's founder already told us how to say thanks (2). Stop wasting your time and fix other things.
    – j08691
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:27
  • 49
    On Stack Exchange sites the way to say thank you is to upvote helpful answers and accept the most helpful by clicking the tick mark on the left. You're free to switch later when a better answer comes along.
    – Vickel
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:41
  • 38
    How are reactions supposed to be different than voting for the question? As a contributor and user -- why would I want a clapping hands icon instead of an upvote? Very confusing and bewildering what practical purpose these things are supposed to serve? Looks more like a gee-whiz widget looking for some place to be used rather than a solution crafted to solve an identified problem. How many years have we nuked "+1" comments? We'll go with it and see with where it goes... Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:36

102 Answers 102


IF this goes ahead, you should have to upvote or downvote before being given the option to 'thank'.

That being said...

I can't think of any useful behaviours to encourage from the thanks button though...do we want one thanks per question? That sounds like it should be the accept button. Should it be on every answer? Then there's no point on using thanks as a metric(?). It reminds me of Goodhart's law:

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

Why turn some harmless comments into a target by making people click on a button?


My analysis:

  1. Someone in the team feels like "You know what? Let me leave a legacy and create something people can see. Performance improvement at the backend no one really notices. So how about 'cool' feature on the front end?"


  1. "It has been long time since I pitched innovative idea, so let me try to put this one down to management. My "thank you" innovation"

It seems like there was nothing to innovate, so they did this. Because it feels everyone thinks these days you have to add something to make it perfect. How about removing something? How about not doing anything at all sometimes? I understand constant urge to "release" something so that market won't forget you exist, but how about a little wait for some "solid" innovation rather than just "brush here and there" things?

By the way, there was no great painting made before artists decided to put a brush down.

  • 8
    Note, that this probably was something that corporate (paying) users wanted, and they just figured "lets try it in public Q&A".
    – Braiam
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 15:02
  • SE probably felt that if they don't do things like fixing triage, they will have more users at their base, ready for innovation.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 22, 2020 at 14:53

I just read over the blog and had some thoughts:

We’ve heard from our users that the inability to say “thank you” is frustrating—especially for new users who don’t have enough reputation to upvote or comment. Even when users gain these privileges, they still want to say “thanks.”

  1. There is a preexisting mechanism to say "thank you" in the form of up voting and accepting answers.
  2. If the problem is that new users can't get 15 rep - the bar for which isn't high; 1 accepted answer or 2 up voted questions or 2 up voted answers - to up vote then consider:
    • Removing that restriction to up vote or
    • Leave this requirement and expect users to unlock this not so hard privilege.

As it exists today, Stack Overflow doesn’t provide a way for users to just say “thank you” and show others appreciation for taking the time to answer their questions.

How can you say that? It's almost as though the people behind these features haven't read the help center or know how the site works (yes, I'm being hyperbolic, well, to some extent):

Voting up a question or answer signals to the rest of the community that a post is interesting, well-researched, and useful, while voting down a post signals the opposite: that the post contains wrong information, is poorly researched, or fails to communicate information. The more that people vote on a post, the more certain future visitors can be of the quality of information contained within that post – not to mention that upvotes are a great way to thank the author of a good post for the time and effort put into writing it! - Source

Further on, you state:

We’ve heard from our users that the inability to say “thank you” is frustrating—especially for new users who don’t have enough reputation to upvote or comment. Even when users gain these privileges, they still want to say “thanks.”

Why do you keep repeating this claim? You can say "thank you". Hit the up vote.

Based on this data and user research, we’ve decided to test a simple, clutter-free way to say thanks—a reaction button on answers across Stack Overflow.

How did you reach the conclusion that reactions is the correct answer? Surely it would make more sense to work on making voting more prominent or emphasising it further?


If this is to try and "lower" the number of "thanks" comments we get, then make it so that when someone does put a "thanks" comment they are instead told to use the "thanks" button at least. Implementing this, and then not enforcing its use on "thanks" comments is completely pointless.

I've seen several users say "thanks" in the comments today, yet none had even a single thanks counter against them.

This is such a waste of Stack Overflow Development time that could have been spent on fixing/improving things that user want.

  • I agree. Just now I answered a questions and the user said thanks.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 18:11
  1. IF the feature is meant to 'help' for those who can't upvote, the feature may as well be limited to only them. But I feel, it is pointless to have a feature only for some users.

  2. Users (especially new users) shouldn't get habituated to dropping a Thanks and then stop upvoting or accepting the answers. Because, the best way to show appreciation is to upvote it, it increases reputation of the user who have answered.

  3. If a user has received 100 Thanks but his reputation is < 100, what does it convey? Though his answers are helpful, he didn't practially gain any reputation. He may at best have a badge for receiving 100 Thanks.

    But then, as a workaround, you may be introducing, say for every Thanks there is a +2 or +5 reputation, but doesn't it contradict with upvote again?

  4. If an answer, apart from the accepted answer, is helpful, then the OP can drop a comment saying how it is helpful along with saying Thanks in the comment. In this way, the comment is useful for both appreciation and also for adding some insight to the answer, which SO is already doing now, by displaying a message.


If this would actually reduce the amount of "thanks" in comments it would be nice, but I am skeptical that will happen. I am however afraid that even if it does that it will have a negative effect on the amount of people upvoting, as the clapping emote is clearly the cooler thing to click (I just learned from the comments the other one means high-five, I always thought it meant prayer, as that is the only context I have ever seen it in, which seems inappropriate here).

Now getting fewer upvotes is a problem, and not just for your reputation. We measure the usefulness of a post by its upvotes, if fewer upvotes are garnered the system won't be as effective in pointing people searching for a question to the most useful answers. So my question is will the amount of "likes" affect an internal "score" of a question/answer, so will a Q/A with 500 likes be equal to a question with 500 upvotes as far as the system is concerned?

Also the users without 15 reputation can vote, unlike what the post is saying. The only difference being that their vote isn't recorded visibly. As per the tooltip of a < 15 rep user voting

Thanks for the feedback! Votes cast by those with less than 15 reputation are recorded, but do not change the publicly displayed post score.

As cleared up by Nick in the meta chatroom, these "recorded" votes are in reality just token votes that don't do anything at all, as explained in this post.


By now we have witnessed several cases where the feature didn't work. Users still leave comments because they want something more personal than a reaction to thank the answerer. And we're seemingly also bound to find answers which were not upvoted even though a "thank you" was presented by the OP in some way. As the days go by, I feel a steadfast assertion that this feature does not belong on Stack Overflow.

However, maybe there is a niche use case for this reaction that could prove useful.

How about having it only for Meta Stack Overflow?

Although I do not hold a strong opinion on this, here are the current reasons I thought so far:

  • Unlike the main site, the voting culture on Meta is very different. Upvotes and downvotes represent a mishmash-combination of research effort, value, and agreement to the propositions at hand. It's a bit messy, all right. The "Thank you" reaction here may provide a more interesting signal than votes in some circumstances. For example, answers proposing things that the community clearly does not want are opinions all the same, and there is value in keeping them listed, even if representing a problem in themselves.
  • We regularly face reports of users feeling emotionally distressed and having panic attacks and nightmares when bringing something to Meta. This applies to Stack Overflow employees too. Receiving a few "thank you" reactions might soothe the nerves of those who simply were looking for feedback and attempting to contribute.
  • No reputation is involved here, so there are no problematic side-effects of people choosing to hit the thank you button instead of the upvote button.
  • The community wants more people on Meta, so that the opinions expressed here become more aligned with those of the active user base. Presenting a simple, noise-free way of thanking users for posts on Meta could help that, precisely as an attempt to boost engagement.
  • It's not like we don't have a bit more of leeway on Meta anyway. Comments in particular may be deleted all the same, but have a look around posts on Meta and the chances of finding some gems are good. Likewise, I suppose we might as well have the luxury to be more lenient on reactions as we are on comments. Relevant question: What are the guidelines for comments on meta?

Naturally, one would expect a trial phase all the same, to see if it helps at all to increase engagement on Meta and make the overall experience here more positive.

  • 3
    This is very sensible. Something like a "Yay" and "Nay" reactions to signify agreement and disagreement can be practical. A lot of first time meta posters assume that a negative score on their proposal means anything more than "I disagree with this" and, yes, that it's some sort of punishment for daring to post here. Also, it can serve a double purpose. I am personally using the thanks feature to "bookmark" answers so I can get to them easier. It is sometimes simpler than bookmarking a question and trying to remember why. So, you can react to a post to also find it easier.
    – VLAZ
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 8:25

I think you should have noticed that we have already had something like this for questions for ages:
enter image description here
When I click the "favourite" button (which is more confusing in the new look than in the old one though), I say my thanks to the author of the question for making the question. I don't wish this gesture affect the reputation of the user, or notify them, and of course I also want the question to be listed somewhere so I can find it when I want to.

I don't really see a difference between this and the implementation of the "thanks" button.

By the way, I didn't really know what the button was supposed to mean and I had to start writing a question here before it recommended me this post. There is no "title" attribute on the button so I doubt people will be aware of its purpose, what it means, or when to use it. They will just click on everything that seems positive enough.

Call it favourite answers and stylize it so and there will be no issue.

  • 8
    While I too think that the thanks button is redundant, as far as I know, the favorite button is for bookmarking questions for later reference or checking for new answers. Commented Jun 28, 2020 at 13:07
  • 1
    Indeed it's not called "favorite" any more, but "bookmark".
    – philipxy
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 3:29
  • @philipxy That explains why the icon was changed then. This makes me wonder why after replacing a "subjectively-oriented" feature (favourites) with more descriptive feature (bookmarks), another feature is introduced that goes in the right opposite direction.
    – IS4
    Commented Jun 30, 2020 at 14:48

A new feature test I did find
Having never come to my mind
Somehow to make it right
Or fix it they even might
Replace it please with the right kind

I think I can understand how many users, including those inside the company, who have used many social networking sites would like the idea of a non-binding thanks, or +1, option. I think it's also another method to encourage engagement by low-rep users and allow the audience (in current parlance) the opportunity to participate. It might even supply a new metric for statisticians to track.

I also think the idea is not implemented in a manner conducive to the overall corporate goals. In so far as I understand the goals anyway. I have two different trains of thought for this "test," which are independent. One is how to implement it, hopefully in a fashion to make it possibly useful, and the other is why to cancel the idea completely.

Cancel the concept:

Internet points for loss 'n gain
The button is a regal pain
Wild oats do not sow
This concept must go
Sure hope it never comes to reign

In the rationale provided, the statistical weight of "thanks" type comments suggested that such a mechanism would be useful as a clutter-free way for users to just say "thanks" to others for taking the time to answer questions. Not true.

  1. Adding the new button/icon to the voting area is adding clutter to every answer, forever
  2. Adding the count of "thanks" clicks is adding clutter to the clutter
  3. Users currently adding the, supposedly disallowed, "thanks" comments are unlikely, in the main, to change their bad habits
  4. If the user receiving the "thanks" is never notified of them, the rep of the user being thanked is not affected, the "value" of the answer is not affected for ranking in the list of answers, and there is no method to sort by "thanks", then the button, and it's count are completely "noise", or decoration (i.e.: clutter)

Another possible rationale for including this concept is to allow users, or audience, to "participate" in the site at ultra-low rep levels. It allows such to "participate," in an meaningless manner. Their record of participation will not exist if they are not users already, and if they are not users, it removes the inducement to join. Without the button, if enough answers are worth their attention, they might be induced to join so they can up-vote nice answers. With the button available they will think "they've done their part" and move on, never joining the site.

Similarly, for those users without the rep to vote, having the button available to "vote" with reduces their inducement to participate with, as Help Center Reputation page puts it, "The three most important activities on Stack Overflow are Asking, Answering and Editing" so they can earn the rep to cast a real vote.

To actually reduce the number of commenters saying thanks, delete, without apology, any and all such comments. Such a filter should be available, as it must have been used to find them for the statistic used in the decision process.

To raise the level of participation by low-rep users, lower the bar to participation. Perhaps allow voting as soon as they have posted either an answer or a question which has received an upvote, regardless of net votes. Perhaps even allow up-voting as soon as the account is created. It only take 5 rep to participate in meta, including decisions about the site, why should it take three times that to express the positive value of a posting?

Personal experience with voting: There are many sites which I am not a member of. Sometimes I land on one of them from a search engine, and actually find my answer. Out of habit I up-vote the answer only to be reminded that I'm not logged in. In my case, with rep from other sites I'd have the Association Bonus, and could instantly vote. For others who may not be high enough on any site to get that bonus, they join the site, try to vote again, and hit the brick wall of rep needed. So much for a positive first experience. On the other hand, if they get the prompt, join the site and cast their vote, they "thank" the poster, with real thanks in the form of reputation, and they have a positive experience with the site.

One final though in this section is that the law of Unintended consequences still applies to SO, as has been repeatedly demonstrated recently.

Fix the concept

To this button I do not consent
The clutter some users will resent
To control who gives thanks
And avoid the many pranks
A few changes you should implement

Limit who can use it. If it is supposed to be just for "thanks", it probably should only be on answers, and available to the user who posted the question. If it is a method to increase engagement with the unregistered, and/or lower rep users, then is should only be available until the regular upvote privilege is earned, if that should happen for the user.

Limit who sees it. It should only be visible to those who can use it, and the user who is receiving the "thanks."

Limit, even further, who sees the count. The user receiving the thanks should know how much they have received. The user who posed the question, when the thanks is on an answer, probably deserves to see the total as well. That might encourage them to write more "quality" questions if they see an increasing number of "thanks" handed out to those who've answered their question.

Make it less meaningless. If the thanks is cast by a user unable to upvote, it can increment the upvote score while not awading rep like a real vote would. If the intent of having the button is for others who cannot vote to say they like the answer, then it seems reasonable to increment the "vote" count for all to see. This will help with the sorting of answers (including the stale answers) based on votes cast, rather than the rep earned on the question.

If the option to use "thanks" is limited to non-voting users (and non-users), remove the clutter of the vote buttons, Can't use them, why have them?

The use of "thanks" should be just as anonymous as any other vote. As the author of the post, or as a random user, I shouldn't know who clicked thanks any more than I should know who clicked up or down vote.

No matter how it's done, don't add to the gamification by making any achievement badges connected to the "thanks" button, for casters or receivers.

If the button is made available to those able to vote, get aggressive in the removal of related comments. The script, regex, or other tool used to detect the comments for statistics should be good enough to weed out such comments. If, on the other hand, it's not trusted enough to automate comment removal. If it's not trusted for removal operations, it shouldn't be trusted enough to be the base for business and development decisions either.

  • 1
    If limericks then / Panache & effort shine but / Scansion? Minus one.
    – philipxy
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 6:52
  • TLDR. But upvote for effort!
    – Matt Mc
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 18:48

As the other answers say, I don't think there will be many situations where the "thank you" reaction is appropriate and an upvote is not, but, in my opinion, there's another big problem:

People want to express their gratitude by words, not by a button

This is why upvotes failed as means of saying "thank you". This is why people use comments for thanking. This is why this system will (likely) fail its goal. Users don't only want to thank the person that helped them; they want for that person to know how grateful they really are. The problem is that others don't really care about how grateful some person is to another person.

So, how can this be solved?

There is another way to express how grateful person A is for person B: Stack Overflow Chat. Instead of person A cluttering the comments, person A can talk to person B directly.

There could be a "talk to this answer's author" link next to "add a comment" which would create a new room with the title of the question's title or something similar. Or each time an user is about to post "thank you" or "thanks" in its comment, a warning could appear saying

If you want to thank the person that wrote this answer, you can do so via chat.

The user could press the "Add Comment" button again to dismiss the warning, for comments that say "thank you", but add something to the post.

  • I like your idea, but I think this will face even more resistance on Stack Overflow than the feature being proposed and tested officially. It puts too much distraction on the person being thanked.
    – gerrit
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:27
  • 2
    My one fear with making chat more accessible is that contributors might (ab)use it to reach out for technical support and ask variations on the original question. You already see this with some frequency in the Low Quality Posts review queue, where people post answers hoping for individualized help adapting answers to their exact needs. Do you think that would be an issue? Or am I overblowing the risk? Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:40
  • This is why upvotes failed as means of saying "thank you". I think it also matters that voting something up isn't interpreted as a "Thank you" anywhere else online. It almost always means you think something is good but that isn't really the same thing as thanking someone for making it. Not even the tooltip for the arrow says anything about thanks. Having been in online communities with reaction buttons I suspect that this will work better than you think, though you do have a point that there'll always be people who want to say thanks.
    – BSMP
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:42
  • @JeremyCaney That's something I haven't thought about. But if someone asked "variations on the original question" in SO, it would probably get marked as a duplicate, so I'm not sure what they should do in that case. I wouldn't mind answering small variations of questions I answered in the chat. Maybe that link could be hidden in highly active questions to prevent spam.
    – D. Pardal
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 8:51
  • 2
    If you don't have 15 rep to vote, you don't have 20 rep to chat, so this doesn't really solve any problems.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 13:16
  • 1
    @Catija We can make the private chat available to everyone.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 1:02
  • 1
    The last thing I want is someone trying to open a chat with me. Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 10:33
  • why questions don't have thanks?
    – Ahmed Ali
    Commented Jun 26, 2020 at 15:20

In my opinion this is a bad decision. I know you are trying to be more modern, but Stack Overflow is a Q&A website and it's not supposed to be like any other social network...

Also, most Stack Overflow answerers help because they gain reputation (that's how humans are; they like top scores and trying to get badges, etc.) and that's exactly why Stack Overflow is still working. If people start clapping instead of upvoting, then you will lose a lot of users.

  • A regular challenge for the site is to help new user invest some time and get onboarded in the community. Currently, if you're under 15 rep you can't say anything but either post a question (and that's hard to post a good question, and a good user will often search and find his answer without the need to ask for a duplicate) or try to provide a full answer. Aprat from that, you can't even (up)vote as participation in in the site
    – Pac0
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:28

Broadly - and based off some of the conversations on twitter and here, I suspect this feature, if aimed at a new user kind of misses a critical thing.

While its still september one of the goals of getting users who are valuable and contribute to the whole is to try to at least change some of our bright eyed, bushy tailed new users into folks who understand how things work.

For this to work - we need to build in a way to funnel people into the voting system they can. Many new users are frustrated they can't vote, funneling them into reactions until they can might be nice. Likewise - for a user just able to vote a reaction giving a reminder might be nice.

Its also worth asking - how directly does this stop someone from saying thanks if they don't entirely get the system yet. Would greylisting the word thanks help (with an are you sure popup that's just dismissable?)

Its not sufficient to add features to help folks new to us. Its also necessary to use those features to make those folks learn the ways we do things.


Till now:

  • I upvoted about 500-1000 answers
  • I did say thanks in comments for about 5-10 times.

So for me they are different. upvote means it works, but thanks means i want to say thanks to the person that saved my day.

BUT my only porpuse of saying thanks is letting the answerer know it (notification). so for me the current button (which doesn't notify the answerer) doesn't make any sense

  • 4
    Catch my upvote, but please stop saying thank you in the comments.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 20:02

If kept, this feature should only be available to users whose reputation is insufficient to upvote.

Its purpose is in conflict with the existing controls. It was created specifically to give low rep users a way to show appreciation. For other users it presents a confusing choice between reaction icon and voting. Voting works. Reactions are a placebo.


We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers. Although it’s less common on questions, the percentage of “thanks” comments have continued to slowly increase over the last few years.

This requires a deeper analysis to truly understand. What percent of people leaving this kind of comment are able to upvote? You need 50 rep to comment and only 15 to upvote. The only exception is that OPs are allowed to comment on answers on their own question regardless of their rep, so the only case where this would even apply would be if they were the OP and had less than 15 rep at the time that they left the comment.

If there are lots of people with 50+ rep who are leaving "thanks!" comments in lieu of upvoting, then the question is why that's happening, and why a "thanks!" button would work better at preventing this. If that's the case, then perhaps an improvement to the voting mechanism would be in order.

Also, has the number of "thanks!" comments increased faster than the number of users and/or the number of answers? If there are, for example, 50% more answers and 50% more "thanks!" comments, that wouldn't really prove much.

You also need to see how many of these comments are "thanks, but..." comments (e.g. "thanks, but I was asking how to do this by using bitwise operations, not by using if statements"). These comments are not noise and would not - and should not - be eliminated by a "thanks!" button.

Also, what percent of these comments could be auto-deleted by the first person flagging them as "no longer needed"? If the percentage is high, wouldn't one solution be to encourage people to flag them as noise?


Adding a button to stop people from saying "thank you" does not make sense. Some people say thank you and add more info. It is just a polite way of communicating. For example if someone comments:

"Thank you but I have tried that but it does not work".

If you really want people to stop saying thank you without any additional info let other users flag down their comments and notify the user that their comment was deemed unnecessary and if a user repeats the action for a number of times say 5 their ability to comment to be disabled for 3 or so days.

  • Ow.. punishing for wrong comments.. that's harsh.. but somehow I like the idea ;)
    – Sinatr
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 11:39

An alternate approach - separate out 'Thanks' comments

As others have said, I don't think this will work because it's trying to fight the human desire to express gratitude with more than just a button click.

This is my very rough mock of what seems to me to be the simplest approach to solve this:

comments section with new 'add thanks' option and thanks tab

The idea is just to allow a comment to be categorised as 'Thanks' and then to separate out the 'Thanks' comments into another tab (or have a show/hide Thanks comments toggle button, or some other UI way of keeping the two types of comments separate).

People are used to adding thanks comments below the original post, both on this site and other sites, so this seems like the best place for it.

Some code/regex to automatically recognises 'thanks' type strings in normal comments could then be used to trigger display of a message asking people if the comment is thanks, with buttons to close the popup of:

  • No, this is a comment about the post
  • Yes, thanks!
  • Yes, add thanks and upvote

Or something along those lines.

Comments that are both thanks and continuation of the discussion

Edit: Looking at the comments in the mockup it's interesting to note that there are a couple of thanks plus info comments:

  • I've thanked the answerer (something I don't normally do) because I wanted to reinforce the behaviour of adding useful code comments
  • and @dawson has a thanks comment that also includes some useful info about a common error people will make with this type of approach (as evinced by the upvotes on that comment).

So, the point there is that thanks comments can also contain information that improves the post too.

Possibly the answer to that would be an "It's both" option for the thanks popup that then asks the user to separate out the thanks from the continuation of the discussion. That would also give us the opportunity to explain to the user why the separation of thanks comments and discussion comments is important.

Bigger picture: Embrace the "thanks" comments

On a more general note, rather than trying to fight human nature, why don't we embrace the thanks comments? 1 in 6 users want to say thanks, so why don't we let them?

Stack Overflow often discusses how it there's a problem with it feeling unfriendly to newcomers. This is an opportunity to allow the site to be a bit more human. Possibly being told not to say thank you is part of why it feels a bit inhuman sometimes?

I'd definitely get a boost from people saying "thanks, your answer really got me out of a hole at work", it would increase my engagement with the site. That increased engagement might then cover the cost of storing the thanks comments?

  • I read this proposal as something like "meta comments". So there should be comments strictly on the question's content and "meta comments" which are more open. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:36
  • 3
    Why do you want to keep useless comments? Normally those "thanks" are just ignored and should be removed at some point.
    – Sinatr
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 13:26
  • 3
    @Sinatr I discuss that in the 'Bigger picture: Embrace the "thanks" comments' section
    – tomRedox
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 15:56
  • 2
    This could be a good idea since the user who posted the answer might think it's nice to get "thanks" comments, but I think that the "thanks" comments should be hidden to everyone else since for everyone else they're just noise. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 21:46
  • 2
    @Sinatr It's almost impossible to get rid of all the thanks comments. And Moderator time is wasted trying to remove these comments.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 1:04
  • This could be a good idea, but some people complain about “thanks” comments cluttering up their inbox. I am not one of them, however.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 1:45
  • I think categorising comments is one of the most promising features to improve them, but I would go one step further and add other categories it could be too (e.g. suggested improvements / additional information / meta / whatever else) and then get rid of the "comments" category. We could even make "thanks" part of something like "discussion", to give users a place to post more of what isn't technically allowed, but they keep posting anyway. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 17:10

From Robert's answer it's clear that a decision was made to make thanking public through the timeline. Why was this decision made while votes are private?

Has any numerical analysis gone into the thought process behind this other than:

We discovered that “thanks” appears in 1 of 6 comments left under answers

And were any other avenues considered instead, such as:

  • Automatically notifying users that thanks in comments was discouraged;
  • Automatically sending notifications to users whos comments were deleted as no longer needed through a single flag due to the presence of a "Thank you"

Can we expect a detailed analysis of the results at the end of the evaluation period (à la Shog) where you'll take into account meaningful questions and discussion before making a final decision on whether or not to continue with this feature?

  • 6
    When thinking about it relative to comments, they're public. People get to have their name attached to the comments so the answerers know who thanked them. There's a sense of community that can build by knowing someone specific liked your post. This is also how the feature currently works on Teams, though clutter on the timeline isn't great. I'd like to investigate alternatives that keep it public without doing it on the timeline. I understand that there's maybe concerns... we've talked about it internally more than once and decided this was the direction we wanted for the test.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 22:03
  • 1
    As far as I'm aware, the full query is described by what you see in the image - all comments containing "thank" - so this would catch "thank you" and "thanks" but not other spellings like "THX". I'm working on getting that data pulled so that we can know how many of these comments are truly thank you comments directed at the answerer and bearing no other valuable information and how many fit into other categories like the answerer saying thanks to someone suggesting a change to the post or someone including a "thanks" while asking for more information.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 7:26
  • @Catija The button is close to the vote buttons and is functionally similar, so it's reasonable to assume it's also anonymous. It's a problem that you seem to only be able to find out it's not anonymous by checking the timeline. That's not something most users check (I assume), which also makes it a bit of a strange choice to include it there. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 17:00

I've been scanning this topic since its inception, and I think I finally have something actionable:

Instead of this "thanks" thing, use what you already have. Add a way to see the net score when "anonymous" votes are included. (This is also votes from logged-in users who don't have permission to vote, yet.) You already tell people that their votes "are recorded" when they are not able to vote on posts, but those votes are very carefully sent to a database table that most people do not even know about.


  • This does not affect the current scoring system.
  • This continues to teach people to use the "vote" buttons. No one has to realize "Aha! Now that I'm $rep > x, I need to stop "thanks"-ing and start real voting."
  • You have historical data. (Hooray!)
  • Anyone can vote, so no more quibbles about inclusivity for the people who have x < $rep < y.


  • If anonymous votes don't go right to Write-only memory, people might try to stuff the ballot box with bot submissions.
    • Mitigation: These votes still don't mean anything important to the site governance, post ranking, or usage. Same as this "Thanks" business.
  • People will still argue about the UI.
    • Maybe a grey number replacing the "thanks" thing?
    • Maybe something you can only see when you click the "real" score to get the up/down counts?
  • If this whole "thanks" thing was just a cynical ploy to get more users signed up, my idea doesn't help with that at all.

The added text on the profile page (Activity tab) now makes the selector spill over into a second row. If you edit in the browser developer tools to remove " and reactions" text it fits correctly again. This is fullscreen browsing with Chrome on a macbook.






Didn't there used to be a "this answer was useful" link or something like that for unsubscribed users? Isn't there still some data from that?

Another half-way house idea: have a 'private comments' thing: where thank-you comments are only visible to the OP?

Another voting idea is what Ars Technica has: you can upvote and then you get a choice ("Interesting, adds to story, agree, funny"), I'm not sure that there is an actual difference with how that choice gets processed, but it honestly does make the voter feel "better" to be able to signify the meaning of their vote with more precision.

  • 2
    All users can click the up and down votes. Only >14 rep users clicks count but all of them are stored... so we do track the clicks, yes. If "private comments" were anything other than preformatted text, this would quickly become an avenue for abuse... and even if it were pre-formatted, someone could choose to harass someone by filling their inbox with dozens of them every day. I like the idea of subreasons for voting but I worry that it would overcomplicate and water down what votes mean here... technically votes shouldn't mean "this is cool"... things can be cool and wrong...
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 7:53

Positive reactions should count as upvotes

Personally, I think this feature makes sense: reactions exist on lots of other platforms (Slack, Twitter, GitHub Issues, etc.) and are now intuitive to a lot of people.

This can solve two problems:

  • People want to say thanks (and this is apparently annoying because, for reasons I have never understood, we don't want people's humanity being expressed)
  • People don't upvote enough (definitely an actual problem I experience, as someone who answers a lot of questions on a certain tag, and frequently get zero-voted-but-accepted answers).

The obvious thing is that a positive reaction should either:

  • count as a upvote (if the user hasn't otherwise voted)
  • automatically trigger an upvote

A gripe

Stack Overflow Inc had been doing a really good job of collecting feedback early on, giving the community heads up before rolling out features, etc. This feels like a step backwards. Specifically:

If you run into any issues or bugs, please share them here.

You're not even asking for feedback about whether we even want this feature, or how it should work? Just "issues or bugs"? It feels kind of crappy.

  • 6
    If it should trigger an upvote, then there's an upvote button. So what's the point?
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 0:31
  • 4
    "count as a upvote (if the user hasn't otherwise voted)", I liked this. And that also addresses the comment above: with two de facto upvote buttons maybe now newbies start upvoting more. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 0:32
  • 2
    @GerardoFurtado Users below 15 reputation points are prevented from voting to make voting fraud harder. I don't think auto-votes triggered from a button equivalent to 6 lines below the up-vote button is going to change anything if users are already not noticing the huge triangle. As a bonus, one can un-thank a post at any point, while voting locks after 5 minutes.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 0:39
  • 3
    I think for a lot of people there's a very big difference between a triangle (and its rather abstract notion of voting) vs the very friendly and familiar clapping (or heart or thumbs up or whatever icon ends up being used) icon to indicate "thanks, you helped". Voting is cold. Thanking is warm. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 1:23
  • @SteveBennett I see. So when I've written an answer, I can be made to feel warm and fuzzy instead of getting the chills from the cold triangle.. (note that I do not think this will ever induce an auto-upvote)
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 11:13
  • 1
    In case it wasn't clear, I'm saying that the action of thanking/voting feels warm/cold. How you receive it is separate. Now a question for you: if someone is clicking "thank", what semantic distinction do you draw between that and the upvote, such that upvotes should count for something and "thanks" shouldn't? Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 12:18
  • @SteveBennett Since there are multiple contributors in this comment thread, I only get notified if you @-ping me. The difference between the two for me would be: "Thanks, nice try" and "This is useful". Basically the thanks-button would for me be a mini-downvote. Unless they came from a <15 reputation point user, where I'd interpret it as someone not understanding how the site works yet, which obviously would prompt me to comment and explain.. if I ever noticed the thanks.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 12:32
  • (First, wow - I've been around here a long time, never knew that about notifications) Interesting comment - I guess you're seeing the "thanks" as a deliberate choice (if they wanted to upvote they would, therefore the thanks must be sarcastic or expressing something other than genuine appreciation that the result was helpful.) Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 22:00
  • Yes, it should trigger an upvote, if the user has enough privilege and he hasn't voted yet, if he is reacting to it saying Thank you, what could be the problem for him to upvote? An upvote is necessarily implied in his Thank you Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 6:19
  • @JavaTechnical So what should happen when the thanks is retracted an hour or a month later?
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 8:46
  • @Scratte I don't find a point of retracting a thanks one month later, why should one Thank someone in the first place if the answer doesn't help? Thanks isn't a token of excitement, we cannot say thanks, and say No thanks after sometime, so it is an indication of true appreciation of help which is given only when we are actually helped Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 8:51
  • @JavaTechnical I doubt this feature will be used only one way. And since there is an option to retract it, considerations to what should happen is definitely warranted. As a side note: I would only use this feature as a "Thanks, but no thanks" or a "Thanks for your time, but it's but enough" or "Thanks, but you completely missed the point". I would not want that with an auto-upvote. If I wanted to upvote, I would upvote.
    – Scratte
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 8:57
  • Hmm. I agree, but if users get habituated to just saying Thanks but not upvoting? Not all may think, Thanks in different ways as you said i.e. not all thanks can have but... s Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 10:47

Am I dreaming?! I can not believe Stack Overflow added this useless feature. It doesn't make any sense.

  • Don't underestimate the huge amount of raw "thanks" comments what could be instead turned into a much more useful clicks of that pretty new button. This feature is so much more important than anything else, what it goes unplanned with highest possible priority directly into production today.
    – Sinatr
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 13:17
  • 1
    Perhaps explain why it doesn't make any sense? Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 18:02
  • 1
    @PeterMortensen other users explained well, I think there is no need to repeat them. Commented Jun 21, 2020 at 8:10

Great experiment! Can you tell us about the control group?


The top-voted answers to this answer are saying say, "This feature is pointless, people should vote instead".

Neither the OP here, nor the blog post, say what you said on your private web site -- https://www.lisahpark.com/reactions -- that it allows reactions by visitors who don't have enough reputation to vote. Or it is mentioned in the Meta post ...

This feature is available to all registered users, regardless of reputation (unlike voting, which is only available for users with 15 reputation or more).

... but there it seems to be a description of the behaviour of the feature, not the reason for the feature, so it's easy to miss that or to fail to infer the purpose.

Perhaps if you posted this then people would have an idea of:

  • Why this feature happened
  • Why it happened without their input
  • Why specific design choices were made (like "no inbox notifications")


Stack Overflow users are not allowed to leave comments on a post until they reach at least 15 reputation points. This often leads to users abusing the Answers field and posting non-answers. We collected data on the content of comments across the site and found that although users are discouraged from saying thanks in the comments, it one of the most frequently added sentiments.


  • Quell the number of non-answer posts

  • promote helpful, relevant comments

  • give users a way to share their gratitude

Research & development

  1. Ideation The Community Product team ideated on different solutions worth exploring and converged on Reactions as possible solution.

  2. Quick creation I organized a design team brainstorm activity where product designers and UX researchers from across the organization gathered to work on different ways we could integrate and develop the Reaction feature.

  3. Hallway testing I performed 1:1 interviews with coworkers who are also Stack Overflow users. This was an inexpensive method of user testing to gather quick insights.

  4. Product divergence and iteration We identified different risks and needs between our Public and Private platforms. At this point the Reactions feature was going to be distinctly different than what we would deploy on StackOverflow.com

  5. User Interviews A new design was created solely for Public Q&A. I recruited Stack Overflow users for 1:1 interviews to gather more targeted insight with our main audience.

Instead when you posted it here on Meta you posted it as a fait accompli.

IMO users dislike it because it doesn't solve their problem or they feel it's the wrong solution to their problem -- and IMO the reason for that is that you don't explain what you detailed step by step on your private web site, i.e. problem it does or is intended to solve.

  • Excellent answer, but there's one small issue. It takes only 15 reputation points to upvote, but it takes 50 (not 15) to be able to comment everywhere, e.g., see the Privileges help page. Commented Jul 7, 2020 at 19:46

This feature attempts to solve a specific problem: make comments better.

The SO team identified a specific problem (unhelpful comment overload) and introduced an unexpected and prominent change to alleviate the problem.

It may help to solve the problem, but I think the community wishes you to think bigger.

  • 7
    This doesn't really solve the problem. For me personally, just this morning, I got a "thank you" comment on an answer, with no upvotes. I had to inform the user to upvote and accept, and he didn't notice the new button.
    – 10 Rep
    Commented Jun 19, 2020 at 21:31
  • @10 Rep: Yes, this usability issue ought to be fixed. Commented Jun 20, 2020 at 17:07

I am (ab)using this feature, when my answer was the first to a question and it has one upvote, and then another answer comes which is slightly more brilliant and also gets an upvote. I want to upvote the other answerer but then my answer will be ranked lower, so I just click the clap button. The OP accepts my answer as it was the first and is the highest-ranking.

Thanks, team. What a terrible, anti-community feature. I'm sure at least a few other users will also abuse the feature in some way.

  • 3
    Yes, I've started received claps instead of upvotes now. Apparently, that means "this answer is not useful, but thanks anyway"?
    – vgru
    Commented Jul 8, 2020 at 10:32

I like the intention. Humans want to say thank you. Comments aren't for saying thank you. Nor are upvotes, because upvotes are anonymous. An anonymous thank you may not be what people want to express. Accepts aren't anonymous, but can only be issued by the question asker on one answer only. Therefore, there is currently no way to say thank you, in particularly not for a question or for more than one answer.

The options are:

  • To not provide users with a way to say thank you (status quo), denying them of a human preference. This is a valid alternative, because Stack Overflow is not a social network. It could be seen as cold or unfriendly. Users may continue to circumvent this may saying thank you in comments.
  • To provide users with a dedicated way to say thank you. This may reduce the noise in comments. As described in other answers, it may also be perceived as sliding in the direction of a social network. Some users may want to keep human interactions out of programming Q&A.

I'm not convinced it will work but I like the intention. I hope it will be effective and make Stack Overflow a more friendly place.

  • Maybe we could automatically classify comments (not only as friendly/unfriendly but also) as ontopic/offtopic but not exactly delete worthy and then emphasize the ontopic ones. Or we could delete them with a delay (as a compromise with the two options). Thank you comments remain for a day and are marked as such. Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 9:28

We could say that you are working in many locations, in a very complex hierarchy, and on a very complex software. Actually making decisions and executing on them, without breaking anything, is harder than saying, for example, "question migrations are bad".

We could say that your company are under a hard pressure of the investors to make more $$$ quickly.

We could say that maybe having a free service does not monetize so well as we would believe from other continents.

We could say that we are saying easily, what you should have to do, but actually doing that - and facing their consequences - is not so easy than talking about it.

There are so many excuses for you!

But your wonderful "development" refutes them all.

  • 1
    Extension: if I would want a facebook, I would be on the facebook. But I am on the SO. No, I do not want a facebook-like SO.
    – peterh
    Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 12:17

If (and this is a big if, pending the results of this very experiment) the reactions feature provides value by cleaning up the comments, please allow users to turn the display of reactions off in Settings. For a user who appreciates the Stack Exchange mission and focus, these reactions are an unnecessary and annoying fluff distraction.

If I don't care about reactions, it should be omitted from my view of the Timeline as well.

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