The sidebar showed me this question:
So, suppose there is a list:
list = ['a','b','c','d','e','a','b','c','a','b','c','d']
I want to arrange it in the following way:
new_list = [['a','b','c','d','e'],['a','b','c'],['a','b','c','d']]
Any suggestion as to how this can be accomplished?
Because it became a Hot Network Question. It has a score of 6, with 8 upvotes and 2 downvotes.
Its ten (!) answers look like Code Golf to me, but that might just be because I barely speak Python. No, wait, that's because almost all of them are in the form of "Try this: [uncommented, obscure code]".
Comments were posted under the question asking to clarify and to show their attempts, and they were upvoted, but they were not followed up.
Is this what it is now?
Were this an isolated case, you wouldn't be reading this question. I have been reading C#/.NET/Windows Forms/ASP.NET (MVC)/WCF/SQL/EF questions on a daily basis for years now, because that's my professional area of expertise, and hell to the yes is this site on a decline.
Off the top of my head and in random order, these are my heroes:
- Eric Lippert, for everything C# and CLR
- Jon Skeet, for everything .NET and dates
- Raymond Chen, WinAPI, Windows in general
- Julian Reschke, HTTP
- Hans Passant, WinAPI, Windows Forms, COM, C++, Visual Studio
- Ladislav Mrnka, Entity Framework (EF)
- Chris Pratt, ASP.NET MVC
- Stephen Cleary, async programming in C#
I remember these people, not because they appear to know everything about their subjects (not in the first place because they've specced/built/shipped/supported these things), but because they love explaining stuff.
And that is becoming a pretty rare sight on the site, nowadays.
Look. Everybody who's used C# for a couple of months can fire up LINQPad and answer any string splitting, regex matching, collection joining or XML/JSON/DateTime parsing question. And yay, the asker is happy and the answerer has a couple more worthless reputation points. But in doing so, are you making the Internet a better place? Are you improving your knowledge? Are you helping the asker?
I genuinely wonder how Stack Overflow is planning to attract new experts, or good writers willing to become experts. Because I haven't seen any join in my favorite tags for a long time now, or at least not that I remember (the above of course isn't an exhaustive list, there is influx of new talent, but it's hidden between the masses).
More one-off questions with more one-off answers aren't going to save this site in the long run. There's simply not enough decent developers for that.
So: is my observation correct? Is it something that should change? How?
rather than aClose
link in some queus (LQ is the one I recall, but it might also be in others). If the site owners don't want to make one (whether for principle or resource reasons), perhaps one could do something in the way of a (longer) list and integrate it into the CV chat room?