When user A serial-downvotes user B on answers and the reversal script catches it, both users recieve a reputation change (both positive) and a justification:
+10 03:00 reversal Voting corrected (learn more)
But if user A serial-downvotes only on user B questions (stealth downvotes) or serial-upvotes user B posts, when reversal occurs, user B is notified (with a gain or loss of rep depending on the vote, I was user B multiple times so I know).
But since I was never user A (and I'm not going to find out by experimenting), does user A get notified when the reversal doesn't change their reputation (upvotes/questions downvotes) ?
Related: Should we notify serial upvoters? but that question asks for a feature to notify upvoters when they are performing the upvotes. So not a duplicate at all.
-152 03:00 reversal Voting corrected (learn more)