Using this query it is possible to receive many different options of reputation history.
;with postvotes as
select v.creationdate
, postid
, case v.votetypeid
when 1 then 'accepts'
when 2 then 'up-votes'
when 3 then 'down-votes'
when 9 then 'bounty_recieved'
end vote_type
, case p.posttypeid
when 1 then 'question'
when 2 then 'answer'
end post_type
, sum(case v.votetypeid
when 1 then 15
when 2 then 10
when 3 then -2
when 9 then bountyamount
) reputation_change
from votes v
inner join posts p on = v.postid
where p.owneruserid = ##userid?1719510##
and posttypeid in (1,2)
and votetypeid in (1,2,3,9)
group by v.creationdate,, votetypeid, posttypeid
bounties as
select v.creationdate
, v.postid postid
, 'bounty-offered' vote_type
, 'question' post_type
, sum(bountyamount) reputation_change
from votes v
where v.userid = ##userid?1719510##
and votetypeid = 8
group by v.creationdate, v.postid, votetypeid
approvededits as
select se.creationdate
, se.postid postid
, 'approved-edit' vote_type
, case p.posttypeid
when 1 then 'question'
when 2 then 'answer'
end post_type
, sum(2) reputation_change
from suggestededits se
inner join posts p on = se.postid
where se.Owneruserid = ##userid?1719510##
and approvaldate is not null
group by se.creationdate, se.postid, posttypeid
select *
from postvotes
select *
from bounties
select *
from approvededits
I tried the query for a random selection.
And these are the results. However if I cross check which the reputation history: I can see that it has not the start days such as "Oct 21 '14". Any suggestions what updates it could be made in the query to receive all options of reputation?