Using the API it is possible to receive the detailed user reputation like this:
How is it possible to make it on SEDE?
Using the API it is possible to receive the detailed user reputation like this:
How is it possible to make it on SEDE?
Here is an initial query that gives you the most common reputation events from the Votes Table:
;with postvotes as
select v.creationdate
, postid
, case v.votetypeid
when 1 then 'accepts'
when 2 then 'up-votes'
when 3 then 'down-votes'
when 9 then 'bounty_recieved'
end vote_type
, case p.posttypeid
when 1 then 'question'
when 2 then 'answer'
end post_type
, sum(case v.votetypeid
when 1 then 15
when 2 then 10
when 3 then -2
when 9 then bountyamount
) reputation_change
from votes v
inner join posts p on = v.postid
where p.owneruserid = ##userid?1719510##
and posttypeid in (1,2)
and votetypeid in (1,2,3,9)
group by v.creationdate,, votetypeid, posttypeid
bounties as
select v.creationdate
, v.postid postid
, 'bounty-offered' vote_type
, 'question' post_type
, sum(bountyamount) reputation_change
from votes v
where v.userid = ##userid?1719510##
and votetypeid = 8
group by v.creationdate, v.postid, votetypeid
approvededits as
select se.creationdate
, se.postid postid
, 'approved-edit' vote_type
, case p.posttypeid
when 1 then 'question'
when 2 then 'answer'
end post_type
, sum(2) reputation_change
from suggestededits se
inner join posts p on = se.postid
where se.Owneruserid = ##userid?1719510##
and approvaldate is not null
group by se.creationdate, se.postid, posttypeid
select *
from postvotes
select *
from bounties
select *
from approvededits
The daily reputation caps are not factored in.
When run today this will be your result:
Have a look at the Data Explorer schema post Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE to learn more about its tables and fields.
Most voting events are stored in the Votes table, a row per votetype, indicated by the VotetypeId. In the VoteTypes tables you find what each votetypeid means. Some example votetypeids are 1 = accept, 2 = up vote, 3 = down vote, 5 = favorite, 8 = bounty start, 9 = bounty award.
Keep in mind SEDE is updated once a week, on Sunday morning.
Give a big shout out to Monica Cellio for her awesome SEDE tutorial.
Say "Hi!" in SEDE Chat if you have any inquiries.