From the survey:
Survey weighting is an approach used to analyze survey data when the survey sample doesn't match the underlying population well. For example, in our survey this year, 11% of US respondents identify as women, but data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that women's participation in the software developer workforce is about twice that, more like 20%. We can use survey weighting to adjust for the mismatch between our survey sample and the population of developers. We know that there is a difference in developer type representation by gender, so let's compare the overall proportions in our raw results for the United States with weighted proportions, assuming that we undersampled gender minorities at the rate indicated by the BLS report.
- Did SO consider that maybe the US Bureau of Labor Statistics have different standards of accepting someone as a developer than SO?
- We are doing a survey on SO to read results collected through SO. Why involve estimates from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in it?
- "Data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates" & "assuming that we undersampled gender minorities" so basically the weightage system was used because of estimations and assumptions?
- Why was this year's survey results focused that much on genders? Wouldn't it make the gender minorities feel more exclusive by mentioning it again and again that they are only 10 - 20% of the community at best?
Side note: if you do a Ctrl + F on the survey page, you will find the word Gender 45 times and Development, Software, and Programming 27, 25 and 8 times respectively :)
EDIT: Note that this other question is specifically about how the gender weightage is calculated whereas my question is more about why gender holds that much importance in a developer's survey and why was there a need to use the gender weightage calculation in the first place, and I mean sure gender is a metric to look at but so is weight and hair color of the developers, maybe SO should include that as well in the next survey?
How much developers are making categorized by which technologies they are working in and which country they are in(I could not found this data in the survey btw) is the kind of data I am more interested in as a developer compared to what % of backend engineers are male or female.