This is why I think this particular question should be removed from Stack Overflow.
As we now know the question have been heavily influenced by the meta effect, both gathering massive amount of downvotes but probably also upvotes on answer.
Now that all that have finished?, what are we left with?
A question that ask "Finding the maximum value of an array?", but with an exception System.Convert.ToInt32(string, int)' is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context". A debug question (maybe even on-topic), with a debug answer.
Considering this, my reasoning to delete it was, this question makes internet a worse place because:
It has abnormal voting (I probably did not know the reason why), we may risk that it is presented in searches like "c# Finding the maximum value of an array" or "c# System.Convert.ToInt32(string, int)' is a 'method', which is not valid in the given context" and not only would people not understand the voting, but also this question is not suitable for this instead we have much better content.
I'm sorry that OP posting the answer may lose the reputation, but my overall concern was presenting correct content to other C# programmers searching for answers on internet.
Overall however if you can edit the question, create some kind of searchable/useful content (I don't think current downvotes/upvote reflect this) please feel free to do so, if a part even a small part of the community think it is useful I will look the other way.