I'm starting this discussion regarding a specific word. Note that I'm well aware that some other typos are more frequent than this one, but I'd like to narrow the discussion to "sqllite" because it's a product name.
It came to my attention that the correct spelling is with only one letter l:
Sources: wikipedia.org, sqlite.org
Yet, even in Question titles, it's quite frequent to see it misspelled with a double l:
- https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=title%3Asqllite shows about 700 questions with a misspelled title using "sqllite"
Remember that question titles are displayed in the "Linked" and "Related" lists, so the visible impact may be large.
I'd like to ask the opinion of the community regarding actions to take about it. For instance, should something be done about it or not?
update posts set body = REPLACE(body,'sqllite','SQLite') where body like '%sqllite%';
should be a quick and easy fix without causing bumps to the home page