I do not believe the alternatives are "mass edit or let the database decay", as you state in a comment.
I'm pretty sure you can find many other mispellingsmisspellings that are as prevalent or even more. We edit and improve those collaborately.
The more attention an individual post has, the more likely is going to be fixed by a passer-by. The less attention it receives, the more likely it's not that a useful post to begin with.
Personally, I do not believe this case warrants a coordinated effort, or to ask a SO staffer to do a DB search-replace. Even if we fixed all of them (and we did it correctly, and only where it mattered), more of those would still come in every day.
Maybe you want a more permanent solution? A filter so users can't post SQLite misspelt? We do not do spell-checking checking in posts, but kindakind of offload that responsabilityresponsibility in the throngs off well meaning-meaning users who like to correct things.
So in this case as in others like it, I believe the correct approach is the usual: found it in your way, it is wrong and you can fix it? Fix it.
I edited 4 or 5 after reading your post. Couldn'tI couldn't help myself.