The scenario is that two answers (or more) are posted on the same question, both with some distinct flaws.
Answer 1, posted first, was posted without any explanation, just code that was ok but not perfect/ideal.
Answer 2 was posted with explanations, but minor flaws in code too.
At first I gave suggestions to answer 2 in comments to fix the code since it had an explanation (even if code was somewhat similar to Answer 1's) and felt more complete and adequate. However, other users have commented the first answer at nearly the same time and now both are converging to an identical, correct answer.
Now I kind of have this dilemma: should I upvote the second answer which was posted after suggestions were made to the first one, or suggest the first answer to add explanations ?
See this question for reference (with answers from un-lucky
and Hoppeduppeanut
chain, was suggested to useswitch/case
, 2 was posted with with non-compilable code but withswitch/case
and explanation (which needs slight correction). @Memor-X So you're saying it would be preferable to downvote at this point or anytime there's an answer without explanations ? I would tend to comment first, but that led me to this situation where I just can't suggest answer to to improve. I guess downvote is my only option...