I think there should be a further option at Stack Exchange Data Explorer while executing a query. For instance, I want to send this query (with the results). However, when I send the link to anyone the recipient has to enter the input and click query (+ input reCAPTCHA in some cases), which is not flexible.
For example, we want to include some query (with its results) on some of our public profile pages. However, when visitor goes to query, he can't see any results (as he "has" to run query again).
So, it's good if there was a parameter, added in the link, like:
Going to that link should auto-execute the query and show results to the visitor. I think it will facilitate sharing with others.
At the least, if there was even static "Save results" (like Pastebin or Gist) to send directly to others, this might help in some cases.