I've just asked a question about changing the picture of my Stack Overflow account, they told me to change the dimensions of the picture, I tried that, and it didn't work. I asked a colleague of mine, and he told that our enterprise doesn't authorize the use of some websites such as "img..." which is used to upload pictures to Stack Overflow. That's why it didn't work for me.
I learned that it's possible to attach the picture of the Stack Overflow profile to the picture of a Gmail account. My question is: How can I attach my Stack Overflow profile picture to my Gmail profile picture so at the end I change the Stack Overflow picture?
PS: I could change my Gmail profile's picture.
I double checked my gmail account linked to my SO account if it is the correct one, I double checked that my gmail account has an image (maybe I have to have an image on my Google+ account? which I can't access btw due to the policy of my entreprise again!). Then I used the google button to log in as you said @animuson. Plus, I cleared the cash of the browser. Nothing happened! Am I missing something?
, which, when his browser tries to resolve, his corporate firewall will dutifully block. He’s asking if there’s some supported way that that piece of html readhref=“...gmail.com/...”
(or whatever) instead.