I am a big science passionate and enthusiast person. Mostly, I am interested in AI cutting edge sciences such as: Computer Vision and Machine Learning. I have a strong academic and professional background in Computer Science. The way I was taught CS is that everything has to be ordered and well known in every program I write, until truly understanding ML in my CV course at UNCC. Doing ML is like being in a laboratory, you mix different solutions without knowing what is happening exactly, hoping for a breakthrough. For me, this is very fascinating and inspiring! After all astonishing advancements in Computer Science and what it appeared as exact science era, man is back to the empirical age again!
My other interests are also science related. In my spare time, I love watching physics and space documentaries. Also, I have a special interest in World War 2 history. I am a big fan of wars history.
× 5Mar 31, 2023
Popular QuestionDec 15, 2017
CommentatorDec 12, 2017
ScholarDec 13, 2017