Do we want questions specific to one person's lack of understanding of a basic language feature?
Well I'd argue that the questions are not specific to one person's lack of understanding, but a common areas of programming that people will stumble over.
Are beginners welcome here?
The true issue here is these types of questions imply the user is a beginner rather than:
.../... professional and enthusiast programmers .../...
However this continues to read:
.../..., people who write code because they love it.
Does this include beginners?
If we continue to read what type of questions are on topic - we soon see that there types of questions you don't like are indeed on topic.
This is the official statement of what is ontopic:
Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, people
who write code because they love it. We feel the best Stack Overflow
questions have a bit of source code in them, but if your question
generally covers…
- a specific programming problem, or
- a software algorithm, or
- software tools commonly used by programmers; and is
- a practical, answerable problem that is unique to software development
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
So unless the site is prepared to change this statement - then they're on topic. However, having said this - meta is where we make changes to the site's scope. So it's asking questions and getting community support that brings about this change (not to mention the CMs reports).
Are these questions helpful?
How these questions have helped me
To be completely honest - I've relied on SO since my first hello world programme and it was having access to repetitious problems that helped me to learn. I was thick and often would read 20 explanations before I read one that I could understand.
I would read through question after question - the linking of duplicates was helpful. One after the other.
There were basic issues in how I read things. I read them literally - it's the number one cause of misunderstandings in all my communications. I read things a little like a computer does. So it was hard to grasp the basics.
I didn't know what a parameter was. Now whether this is the failing of my education system or my brain or both - Stack Overflow helped me to find an understanding, and it was all these types of questions that helped.
These questions would often be duplicates
The issue with some of these "types" of questions you refer to is that many of them are duplicates. So this may give the impression that there's "so many of them".
A search on "doesn't execute" reveals a plethora of questions - many of which would share the same derived reason for failure.
Finding a good duplicate target and then closing some of them against that would be helpful. It assists in users going between the same types of posts to view different all the different answers and specific problems.
Should we delete the them?
If the question meets the criteria as stated above - then no.
What if they're duplicates?
This is a question best addresses here What parameters do we want when deleting duplicate questions?
Should they be closed as a typo or no repo?
A] tyop is just (that. A mitsake on teh kyeboard. Like an; superfluous: punctuation,. mark or{ a missing one
These questions are reproducible.
They are essentially about misunderstanding one of the fundamentals of programming. Do we want to assist this person in having a better understanding of programming and the millions of users who land on the site browsing these questions? Yes
Do we have to continually answer duplicate questions? No
Another way to do it is to post a comment - easily saved as an auto comment here's mine - feel free to use them:
[Q] Null pointer exception
Read carefully the answers to the linked question to learn how to debug your code for null pointer exceptions. It's a basic building block for programming.
[Q] Null reference exception
Read carefully the answers to the linked question to learn how to debug your code for null reference exceptions. It's a basic building block for programming.
This is another good reason to find duplicates and dig up canonical ones.
There is certain obstinacy in accepting an answer that the answerer is unsure is right. The question should be I want to get rid of these types of questions - how can I do it?