Sometimes, I see that people from a previous election are called up to meet the additional demand. For example:
- In 2015 2 mods were called up additionally (Election)
- Also in 2015, 2 additional mods were called up (Election)
- In 2011, 1 extra mod was called up (Election)
- And also in 2011, 2 additional mods were called up (Election)
When does the staff team decide to organize a new election, compared to calling up candidates from a previous election?
I thought that it may depend on the amount of available positions, but considering that in 2011 and 2015 2 mods were called up additionally, and right now there is an election going on for 2 positions, this doesn't seem to be true.
So, this made me wonder when an election is organized or when people from a previous election are chosen.