I understand why there is an edit queue on Stack Overflow. It seems necessary to avoid "flooding" and lighten the payload, but in the end, I am wondering if it is not detrimental to quality (in the sense that it may discourage some serious people to contribute, even though they can get +2 reputation).

When I edit a post (question or answer), I like to take some time to do it well. I generally fix typos, correct grammatical errors, clarify meaning, improve formatting and add/remove tags. Sometimes this takes a couple of minutes, and when I click Save Edits, I often get:

The edit queue is full at the moment - try again in a few minutes!

This is extremely frustrating, especially when the edit queue remains in this state for a "long" period of time. When this is happening, I generally cancel my edit, so all my modifications are lost.

In my humble opinion, edit queue encourages quick edits. From what I observed, many edits are superficial (the most common edit is probably a minor tag reorganization). This is great, but it should not forestall in-depth edits.

A good way to avoid frustration would be to take into account the action, not just the result. What I mean is that the edit option should be disabled, not only when the edit queue is full, but also when a given number of SO members are editing a post. For example, given the limit (200 reviews), we could disable the edit option when 180 edits have been made and 20 users are currently editing.

Would it be possible to implement this feature? What do you think about it?

I guess I will not have this problem anymore above the 2000 reputation threshold because there edits are applied immediately. However, I think users with 500+ reputation can make relevant reviews. Frustrating them with the current edit queue is not the best way to promote thorough edits, in spite of the small reputation bonus after validation...

EDIT (May 12)

Following the discussion, it appears that there are a couple of alternative solutions to mitigate this problem...

Bugs proposes to create a separate queue for tag-only edits. This idea is interesting because, given the amount of tag-only edits on Stack Overflow, it will probably reduce congestion dramatically.

Dan Lowe goes further and suggests to grant immediate tag-only edits to established users below 2000 reputation. This proposal is relevant too because it will remove a significant part of the current edit queue and will discourage people who are tempted by quick edits to earn two reputation points.

Makyen recommends a strict separation of editing operations to get more "atomic" edits. It would certainly speed up the reviewing process because reviewers could identify immediately if the edit is about tags, whitespace, or code formatting.

To my mind, rewarding in-depth edits accordingly would also be beneficial. Currently, whether you add a single tag or refactor the entire post, you get +2 reputation. But for people who prefer reputation farming to quality, it is more profitable to make 10 edits in 5 minutes than 10 edits in 20 minutes... By the way, edits that make the post worse should also be penalized with a -1 reputation.

EDIT (May 23)

I recently reached 2000 reputation points and got access to the Suggested Edits queue. After a couple of days reviewing edits, it seems that my initial intuition is now verified: tag-only edits (or at least superficial edits) are too frequent, even on awful posts where there are tons of possible improvements. In-depth edits, which fix everything in a post, are rare and precious. Most edits nowadays must be improved, not just approved. So when I see a remarkable edit with substantial efforts behind, I would like to reward the editor. But when I see an average edit, I do not want to grant free reputation.

From my perspective, we need a real incentive (reputation or badge) to increase the number of thorough edits and avoid reputation farming. Reviewers could have the following evaluation options:

  • Good Edit: +2 reputation
  • Acceptable Edit: 0 reputation
  • Bad Edit: -1 reputation

Preferably, bad edits (rejected ones) as well as acceptable edits should not be taken into account to get badges like Editor, Strunk & White or Copy Editor. Of course, 2000+ rep users would not be concerned by this new policy because their edits are applied immediately, are supposed to be good (aren't they?) and do not saturate the edit queue. However, for 2000- rep users, I think it is a good idea to make quality standards more stringent for edits. Good habits come from a better education...

  • 3
    It seems that time has passed... The edit queue is often full. Now everytime I edit a question and spend a couple of minutes on it, I feel pressure when I click Save Edits. Lots of my edits were lost because of that... Commented May 11, 2017 at 17:49
  • 5
    I seriously doubt there is ever a time when 20 users are editing the same post, especially since I believe it blocks those with <2k rep from editing a post which is already being edited. It used to be we could reject edits that were "too minor". Now that we can't, I can see that it might encourage more, smaller edits (like changing i to I or updating indentation only). Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:16
  • 1
    20 users at the same time is unlikely, but this was an extreme example. From my experience, I face a full edit queue really often. I would say 1/3 of my edits are lost this way... Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:27
  • 9
    @MikeMcCaughan: Years passed between removing "Too Minor" and the edit queue filling. They aren't related. The filling queue is just a consequence of SO's distributed moderation/privilege thresholds not scaling properly: Close was first, then LQP, and now other queues are following the same pattern of constant, unavoidable congestion as the site gets larger and reviewers tire. Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:42
  • 2
    @NathanTuggy I didn't say there was a causal relationship between the two. But the lack of a reject reason for "too minor" certainly doesn't encourage taking one's time to fix all of the issues with a post, does it? Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:45
  • 6
    @MikeMcCaughan: No, but since it may encourage easier-to-review edits that can clear out much faster, I'm not sure it's much of a loss. Much worse are edits that handle tags wrongly, add useless formatting, or pointlessly shuffle deckchairs on Titanicly bad questions. Now, if we had a predefined category for that last, I could see that being useful. Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:49
  • 2
    Now that we can agree on. Commented May 11, 2017 at 18:50
  • 20
    Tag only edits should have their own queue in my opinion. That would reduce the amount of edits in the main queue.
    – Bugs
    Commented May 11, 2017 at 20:21
  • 4
    @Bugs This is an interesting proposal, I like this idea. Given the number of tag-only edits, I am pretty sure that it would mitigate this problem... Commented May 12, 2017 at 0:14
  • 4
    @Bugs I might suggest going one step further than this and grant immediate tag-only edits at a below-2k level. I'm not sure where a good line would be. Perhaps 1k. We already have UI for this, though for reasons not clear to me, you have to make it all the way to 10k to use it, instead of having the ability at 2k...
    – Dan Lowe
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 3:35
  • 10
    Didn't the queue become full immediately (i.e. day 1) after the top bar redesign and stay that way, having basically never filled up until that moment? I thought this was a direct consequence of removing the direct link to the suggested edit queue from the top bar, and that this was understood by everybody and had been pointed out on Meta on day 1 after the redesign went out. Maybe I'm confused, but I'm honestly kind of surprised to see any alternative explanations being floated here because I thought the explanation was both very obvious and already a matter of community consensus.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 13:39
  • 4
    @MarkAmery I distinctly remember this too, IMO it would be rather disappointing if the whole edit policy of this site was changed to work around what was actually a UX issue.
    – jrh
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 13:46
  • 4
    @Bugs tag only edits should not be suggested, period. If you have greater than 2000 reputation then fine, no one has to review it. If someone has to review your edits, you can find something better to do than waste our time with tag only edits.
    – user4639281
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 20:52
  • 5
    @Bugs if you have 2k, your edits edits don't need to be reviewed. I do not think that making a separate queue to justify suggested edits which the community has repeatedly established should not be suggested. The simple fix is for said users to address all of the issues with a post, not just the tags. I have not ever seen a post that could not be improved in some way. The tags will never be the only thing that can be improved.
    – user4639281
    Commented May 12, 2017 at 21:57
  • 4
    @Bugs The problem in need of solving is people making bad edit suggestions. Lowering our standards is not a good way to solve that problem. As for burn requests, no one should be submitting tag only edits for those. If the only thing left for a question is to remove a tag, leave it alone. Once all other questions have been taken care of, a community manager can remove the tag from all questions without bumping anything.
    – user4639281
    Commented May 13, 2017 at 15:57

1 Answer 1


I've only had access to the Edit Queue since 5/1 or 5/2 but I kind of like this idea:

From my perspective, we need a real incentive (reputation or badge) to increase the number of thorough edits and avoid reputation farming. Reviewers could have the following evaluation options:

  • Good Edit: +2 reputation
  • Acceptable Edit: 0 reputation
  • Bad Edit: -1 reputation

I don't think we need new options for Good and Acceptable, the existing Approve and Approve & Edit options should already work here.

I also think that an Acceptable Edit should still give +1. I don't think an editor doing a lot of work but missing one lower case 'i' or a missing period should go unrewarded.

I go back and forth on whether bad edits should cost reputation. Maybe if "made the post worse" was it's own reject reason it could be tied to that.

  • 1
    Yeah, I thought about this. Approve, Improve Edit and Reject buttons could correspond to Good Edit, Acceptable Edit and Bad Edit. But you are right: we cannot penalize someone who did a great job and just forgot a minor detail. An edit could be good and require some minor improvements. What I call an "acceptable edit" is the bare minimum to get +2 reputation (like a correct tag-only edit). For edits that make the post worse (bad tags, useless indents or terrible grammar), a -1 reputation seems logical. When you write a bad question or a bad answer on SO, you get downvotes... Commented May 23, 2017 at 20:01

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