There is nothing wrong with editing the "possible duplicate" comment. In fact, I do this frequently, and I've never seen it cause confusion.
Most of the time, I edit it to include links to additional relevant/duplicate questions. These are useful to others because they not only appear in the comment, but they also appear in the "Linked" questions section in the sidebar. They even continue to be displayed in the "Linked" sidebar after the "possible duplicate" comment is deleted (upon successful closure of the question). Another possible benefit is that someone else who votes to close might choose one of the other duplicates. Then, the question would be closed with multiple duplicate targets, making it even easier to get at the relevant information. (Although merging would probably be a better choice, that's a moderator-only privilege, and doesn't get done nearly as often as it should.)
Here, though, it sounds like you've changed your mind about which question would be a better duplicate target. That's perfectly fine, too, and if you no longer think that "B" was a reasonable choice, you can edit the comment to replace it with "C". This way, future close voters would at least be presented with both options, and therefore have to make a choice of their own. Hopefully, they would choose the best option. I don't think this would lead to any confusion. If they read your comment, it'll be obvious which duplicate you are proposing. If they don't read your comment, well, they'll just pile on for the original question that you picked, which isn't great, but there isn't much you can do about that, and at least the question will be closed.