I'm confused by what I'm seeing as my highest matches on Jobs. Previous answers explain these results are from personalized predictions based on personalized prediction data and tags in my CV. Yet, my top matches to not match my skill set.
Can someone explain why I'm seeing some of these results?
My top (non-featured) result is:
I am not a c++ developer. It is not on my first page of tags. json does appear on my first list of tags, but I only have a score of 17 in it (versus, much higher scores on other tags).
The second result I have is:
- Big Data DevOps Engineer (100% Remote but must be between UTC-2 and UTC+7). This has the following tags: amazon-web-services, postgresql, python nginx hadoop
This time it at least has python (my highest tag score). But, the other technologies are not something I'm involved in. Additionally, the requirement for timezone doesn't fall within my location. To be fair, I don't think Stack Exchange asks for this information from employers, but it still is a job I can't meet the requirements of due to location.
- Senior Full Stack Developer with these tags: go, python, javascript, mysql, nosql.
This job has a salary range that meets the criteria I've set. It also has several tags I have a score in (python, javascript and mysql). So far, this looks like the best match of the top three. It does not offer the remote working ability of the first two though. However, the option in my preference is labeled: "Willing to work remotely" not "Only remote", so I can understand it meeting my matches. This was also posted 3 hours ago - versus the 1 week and 2 week old posts from the above two.
Next we come to:
Again, I'm not a c++ developer, and I don't know what those other tags are.
Finishing off the top 5:
- Technical Services Engineer (Calling all Senior Developers/DevOps backgrounds) with tags: java, python, linux, database, networking
I have tag score in a few of these. It's also a remote position. The posting is also only 3 hours old.
In the top five postings, I see two that should be ranked higher in my matches. I see at least one that is completely unrelated (the Healthcare Developer one) and two that I can see relevance, but I'd consider low. As I scroll down the listings, the jobs I'd consider "good" are interspersed with jobs that I don't have any qualifications for due to used technology.
In my preferences, I do not have tech I don't want to work with listed.
Can someone explain how these matches are determined and what I can do to get better matches?